Just curious if anyone has any issue with the Plug-in not being charged as scheduled? I have always set the charging start time of 3AM since March and I was surprised that I didn't get any charge yesterday? I thought the cable was not hooked up right or that the charger wasn't plugged in or without any power but everything was ok. I also tried charging it immediately and it worked Last night I double checked my settings, cable and charger and this morning my Plug-in wasn't charged for the 2nd time. Does this have anything to do with DST? When we had the DST back in March, I had a separate issue of the Plug-in getting charged an hour early. I played around with the timer but it was always charging an hour early. I finally resolved the issue by deleting my scheduled time and re-entering my start and stop time. I might have to do it again.
When you manually reset the dashboard clock to reflect the DST change, does the charge timer not use the new clock setting? I don't think the dashboard clock knows anything about time zones or DST. And with sensors seemingly on everything, why don't they have the dashboard clock be set from the display unit, which gets its time from GPS?
Maybe your dash clock is off by 12 hours? PM vs AM? so setting it for 3AM is actually asking it to start charging at 3PM?
I had a similar problem, and I think I found the reason today. When I set the clock, I just ran it forward 11 hours, not noticing that it then read pm instead of am. I didn't plug it in until after 6pm yesterday, and had a message that the charge was not completed due to interruption. Corrected it today, so I hope it charges in the early morning.......
Thanks....didn't realize that the clock was a 24 hour clock. Had the same issue. Set in to charge - and it didn't happen because I changed the time.
Well, my excuse is I didn't put my glasses on to change the time. It worked as usual overnight, with a full charge by 6 am today. Lesson learned.