Tomorrow Im bringing the Prius in to get the windows tinted. They expect it to take 3 hours or so. Im not even going to mention to the guys about leaving the radio off or not leaving the doors open - I'd rather beat them to it and be assured it was done (they always say if you want it done right you gotta do it yourself!) Is there a way I can disable the dome lights completely and the radio OR a way that I can keep them from draining the 12v battery while they do the tinting?
try taking out the bulbs. it's not that hard. for the radio, just put a "defective" sticker/sign on. dab a little oil or something greasy to have a thin film on the surface of the sticker. you'll be able to see if they tried to tamper with it if you see their fingerprints.
Take a 4 amp charger with you and make sure it's connected before you leave. To have the tinting done your doors will be open most of the time.
Ah ha!! Genius. So the ICE will start up to keep the engine warm and charge the HV, thus the 12v. Im going to quiz them tomorrow to make sure they even know how to start/drive the Prius before I leave the car. I have this awful vision of them not knowing how to put it into park and getting out of the car as it drives
put it ready mode then put in park pres the ev button and the ice should not start frightening the poor workmen.
if he has it fully charged when he takes it in and all accessoryes switched of that should take along time.
not sure how long a fully charged (80%) HV battery would last on Ready mode, but i doubt it will last for 3 hours. Im guessing it will only last 30 mins based on my observations.
they should only be interior lights on and if he switches them to off they should not come on either.
Yeah but they'll probably run the radio too, Im sure. I wish I could somehow disable it without pulling the fuse and losing my presets, etc.
Ok I told them to keep the car in "ready". I disabled the dome lights (by turning the selector away from "door"). Picked it up 2 hours later and this is the result