Has anyone noticed a change in sensitivity to engine noise? Now that I’ve had my PIP for about half a year, it seems I’ve mostly lost desensitization to ICE road noise. Most of my drives are around low traffic, so driving in traffic now I realize how fatiguing the ICE sounds can be. The future of EV will probably be a good one for neighborhoods that live near heavily trafficked thoroughfares.
Funny this thread comes up - I just noticed that for the first time today. I have had my PiP for just over two months and have driven the PiP almost exclusively. Today we had to take my wife's 2000 Honda Accord - great car. However, along our 20 mile stop and go trip I found my self shaking my head at the engine idling at the traffic lights and thinking "what a waste" and yes, it was rather annoying too. The entire driving experience was just more "tiresome" for lack of a better word. I love my lil Pip - sweet serenity. Rob
haha, just noticed it last night sitting next to a smart car at the red light. Its ICE sounded like it was working so hard to just sit at a light.
I am right with you. A few days after driving my Pip, I would look around and think, do any of these people get it? Last week I hit a deer. 2100.00 front end damage. I am in a rental this week, 2013 nissan Altima, engine on all the time... strange, loud and not my pip.