I just got a brand-new 2012 Black Prius II. I was inspecting the car in my garage when I felt with my fingertips two tiny hard bumps on the lower-side of my driver-side lower sill frame. I thought maybe it was caused by small debris hitting it, but I had just gotten the car from the dealership, so that was impossible. Upon closer inspection it seems to be two little hard paint specs right at the rim of the door-sill and it looked too uniform, lined-up, and symmetrical to each other to be caused by random debris. I am beginning to wonder if this is a factory paint defect? It's hard to see this unless you are nose to nose up close or I feel it with my fingers... Has Toyota's paint quality gotten downhill or something?
So your saying there's little paint imperfections under the door sill that you would have to lay down under the car to see?
If its where the paint ends thats pretty common on most cars at that price level. Is this your first black car?
Really - so this is all just bad factory paint - within the norm? I don't seem to see these two little specs on the passenger-side though, when I run hands on the door sill of that end - it's smooth as butter. Oh and just to clarify this is then inner metal of the door sill, which is essentially part of the frame of the car... So again I don't think it's road debris cause it would be sealed by the door...
Nope, it's the edge of the door sill rim, right where it curves into the door bolts of the car. The paint is continuously black. So it's not like it ended somewhere, just two uniform hard specs in the middle...
Wow - aren't these factory machine painted? How could these bumps happen? Bad factory painting process?
Now that I think about it, a scratch or a chip in this door sill area would have left an indent in the paint right, but not hard tiny spec bumps. So this obviously should be a defect to begin with right?
I doubt if they will completely repaint the door sill. They'll just level it down and dab on some touch up paint just to make it appear OK. I've had that done before. It will last a few months to a year. I have a few thin spots with a couple of spots showing through the Blizard Pearl paint on the top part of the door where some black spot is showing through. I'll just leave it and forget it. Knowing how the dealers are, I'll just leave it. As the car ages, I'll get more spots and dings on the doors. It's just life.
OMG! Your obsessing about two little paint bumps? Just take it back to the dealer so they can blend them. What is the world coming to....
I wouldn't worry about it. Going to cause more issues down the line by doing something about it. A spot paint is NEVER preferrable over a factory paint job (baked paint versus just sprayed) On my XK convertible I would say something..even then I may not. But on a Prius? Nah ..no impact on resale or performance
Can you see the bumps with the door closed? I think you're overly concerned about this. However you haven't provided a photo yet so we can give you a better opinion
And he's got black paint. If he's sweating 2 little bumps, black paint should make him crazy. Black is awful if your obsessive.
Thanks for the response guys. I decided not to take this back to the dealer cause he might make it worse. This seems to be factory applied paint defect in terms of these tiny bumps - so I'll just leave it as that. Guess this happens more often than I realized... It's stuff like this that may prevent me from owning a BMW or something fancier cause I know I'd be torn by defects like this even more on those more expensive types of cars...
BMW's are subject to the same defects as any mass produced car. I know, because many of my neighbors work for them. The US factory is not more than 10 miles from my home.
My BP Five came with a few specs of yellow stuff on the roof. Possibly tree sap baked in. It won't wash off. I have not tried clay baring it. Five months in I have two chips on the front bumper cover from whatever. I am trying my best not the obsess over it and just enjoy the car and the MPG.