When I purchased my Prius C3 I did opt to get window tinting all around and am happy with it. It's the top of the windshield, or rather the part that the visors aren't wide enough to cover that I'm not happy with. Now that it's autumn the sun seems to always be at the perfect angle to peak through the gaps around the visors or rear view mirror and shoot painful beams into my retinas. Translated, I have bad eyesight, wear glasses but find now that I'm older my eyes don't adapt to this as well as they used to so it seriously impairs my vision even further. So the existing tinting isn't enough. Has anyone here installed a sunstrip ? If so, do you have any photos of your car you could share and were you satisfied with the results ? How tall ( 6 inches, 8 ? ) is the sunstrip you went with ? Even though I want one out of necessity, not for looks, I still want it to look okay. Which type do you think looks better ? There are two approaches I've seen with the cut - straight across or where the sides droop a bit ( like this http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b32/deem0nessa/DSCF0097.jpg ). Also, I'm not too interested in this but I have seen some with white decals over the strip so that it's readable from the outside. Thanks in advance for your opinion.
I'm in Kalifornia where the legal height is 6 inches for the front windshield (so I been told). I took a ruler to my tint and it's actually 8 inches from the top of the windshield - long enough to cover that dot matrix shade between the visors. Paid $20 on top of $180 to do the back & front glass in 5% rear & 50% front. The windshield strip is at 50% like the front windows. That's cat hair all over the car and the car cover on the roof. Had to install a whale tail antenna cover because the car cover kept bending the stock antenna mast at "atten-hut" (antenna erection). Got tired of telling folks my Prius was just happy to see you.
I did it myself as well - on the inside and covering only the area between the visors. It is 'peel and cling' Gila brand film available at Home Depot and other places. I wet the area squeeged it over the little raised dots and it is not in the way of anything. Works for me. My toll tag clings to the film as well and I did not even have to remove its backing to expose the adhesive - so removal is easy for both.
I did too, with Gila, but I only got the 20% dark. Should have gotten something darker. Its about 6" between the top pf the rear mirror attachment and the top of the window, so I went no lower. It does help!