receive just right now from the mail a letter from DMV stating that Carpool lane use may be restricted at any time by state and federal law carrying fewer occupants than the posted minimum requirement. All stickers expires January 1, 2008 making all stickers invalid. Did anyone receive one too?
I did, see the post from yesterday about this DMV / Caltrans Letter I put the entire note from the DMV / Caltrans in my posting so hopefully it is search-able Ken
Yes. But they'll have to come up with a really good way of informing me when and where I can't use my sticker if they want to try to write me a ticket. And I think they will extend it beyond 2008. I think they might issue more than the initial 75,000 too. I just don't see that many people using them. Anyone see the HOV lanes clogged with single occupant hybrids? Anyone? Bueller?
yup thats the scariest part.police officer will pull us over without us knowing or clear information how will they determine that we cant use the HOV lane..five minutes earlier the HOV lane is going fast then after a minute its congested when they saw us there will they say that we cause the congestion??????? I THOUGHT THIS IS AN INCENTIVE GIVEN TO HYBRID CAR OWNERS TO BUY MORE CLEAN AIR VEHICLE..BUT WHY, IT SEEMS LIKE THEY ARE TAKING IT BACK!!!! gRRRRRRRRRRR!!
I received my stickers yesterday, and it is in the 43,000's. After reading through the paperwork which accompanied it, I do not like how the stickers are constructed. They are made to come apart if you try to remove them.
they come apart when you try to remove them? I can't imagine this does a lot for the paintjob. Im in CA., took delivery of my 06 and still question if this is a logical move on my part. Sure its nice to be able to fly when you need to, but to deface such a beautiful car??? come on people!!
That is one of the reasons I only put one of the small ones on the rear glass, on the right side, below the spoiler. It will be easier to scrap off the glass instead of pealing off the paint. Since it comes with the proof to keep with the registration, I shall not cover the paint. I do not want to cover up the beautiful Zaino job I do to my car.
Just be carefull, you might be cited for improper positioning of the sticker. I have read on one post that he was pulled over for violation of undesignated placement of HOV sticker. it sould be on the rear lower right bumper and and on the glass..GOODLUCK!
If the stickers do expire in 2008, they should be easily removed using a heat gun. I found a sheet written by 3M concerning removal instructions for the material used for the stickers, and it did not seem to be a problem.
we shall see what they do in 08 but hopefully they keep the program going. On a side note how long from the time the DMV Cashed your check until you got the stickers? Just being impatient i guess. Thanks,
Forget how long to cash the check - it takes them *forever* to send them to you. And there's no one you can call - if you talk to someone at the main DMV number, they'll say they can't help you. Then they'll give you a number in Sacramento that doesn't work. These are the geniuses who decided these stickers should be bright yellow and that they should go directly on the exterior paint. Stupid #)(@$*%)*%'s!!! If a governer came in and said only, "I'm going to fix the DMV" as his platform and no other issue, I bet he'd win.
I must admit I do not see that many in the car pool lane- except on the 405 between OC and LA around traffic time (though now days that is all day..). I do see quite a few Prius without stickers....but then again - I see new ones (without license plates) with stickers also. I will just use them to speed up my drive when I can and until they tell me not to.
Ditto on everything inventor00 said. And if anyone's really that concerned about how 'bad' the yellow stickers look on the car or if they'll damage the paint beneath (which I don't believe they will), then perhaps they shouldn't 'deface' their cars with the stickers and therefore not use the HOV lanes either. Yellow HOV stickers= small price to pay to cruise solo in the carpool/HOV lanes.
Don't expect the hybrid exemption to last forever. As the total number of hybrids climbs it won't be feasible to allow them all in the lanes. Plus, hybrids don't help traffic or congestion at all.