I know guns and a prius seem like an unlikely combo but I was just wondering. I am a gun advocate/carrier, as noted in my first post I spend a lot of time on the interstate and at all hours so I feel justified carrying some protection, I bet it would suprise most people if they got confrontational with a prius and the owner was packing a .357!
Yes it would be a big suprise (sic). I'll be watching out for you the next time I travel in TN. Can't recall the last (or first) time I got into a confrontation with a Prius but when it happens (if ever), it's likely to be because they were driving too slow (#@^&#* hypermilers!).
'Confrontation's with Prius owners? I have never been in any confrontation concerning my Prius, nor have I seen any confrontations among Prius owners. I have noticed that gun-racks have largely gone away in today's society. Though I do not think that gun-carriers have lessened any. Around here only CCWs can 'conceal' a firearm in their vehicle, so it is not uncommon to see pistols left on the dashboard in full-view. Since we do allow 'Open Carry' without any permit required. Carrying brings with it an added responsibility that the person needs to stay out of confrontations. Obviously I am in support of my fellow firearm carriers, but getting into a round of fisticuffs while armed is a poor choice of behavior.
While I fully support the right to carry a firearm, I don't agree with pulling it out during a confrontation unless ur life is in danger.........that doesn't mean u can't brandish it hanging off ur hip
I have a carry permit here in Pennsylvania. I frequently carry my H&K 40 USP and, yes, I often wonder if anyone would expect a Prius driver to be carrying. I am also extra careful to avoid BWI g drawn into any potential road rage situations when I'm carrying. In any escalation of force situation, it is the person in a more powerful position that must be more careful.
I agree to all the above, I do not carry so I can win an arguement, as mentioned, protection, I just think guns and Pri are an unexpected combo and was wondering if it was as unusual as I thought or not.
i carry I have my CCL too. I am about to order me a license plate frame like below, because there are plenty of prius haters in texas. I get tailgated for no reason almost every day.
Try doing a search. There are plenty of conservative, gun-toting, I'm a real Amerkin threads in here.
YES! I drive above speed limit. some a hole will tailgate me for no reason as I stated before. The other lane will be open and they just fly up on me and follow real close. I drive above the speed limit.
If you are in the left lane in texas on a state or interstate highway, the left lane is for passing only, its the law. So if you are driving the speed limit and not passing anyone, you should, by law, be driving in the right lanes.
wow lets stay on topic and you guys need to read correctly. Did I say anything about left lane. This happens when I am in the right lane!!
I think they are just trying to see what your plate frame says. Oops. Edit. Make sure you get the frame.