Ok - I've been searching, but I can't seem to find any details on how to change the headlight timeout (after turning off ignition and opening door) from the default of 30 seconds to 0 seconds. I've found lots of references to the ability to change it, but nothing on how. Anybody have any ideas? I imagine it can be done the same way that we can turn off the backup and seatbelt beeps with Putty and an ODBII adapter. I just don't know the necessary commands. Or, maybe there is another way. ? Thanks
I believe that dealer has to do that with tech-stream, or someone with laptop/software to do it. ODBII won't cut it.
Oh - there's got to be a way. Techstream ( I imagine ) and the Laptop/OBDII process just changes register values in the ECU. Hmmm - "How to figure out which register and which value to use"....
Found some people talking about this relative to ScanGauge II and how it doesn't support the CAN 5-Byte protocol. Looks like a different protocol than the (apparent) CAN 11-bit I was using to change the backup and seatbelt beeps. Toyota Specific : Linear Logic : Home of the ScanGauge Rats! Still looking for ideas.