No warning ...would not start. 24,000 miles on a 2011 PRIUS. Tow truck jump started it and I drove 1/2 mile and emission light, then red lights came on and I lost power? Towed to the dealer. Any thoughts? This is my 1st hybrid and I have no clue what is wrong. The tow truck driver mentioned the hydrocell? Help appreciated.
Major bummer, sorry to hear about it. Without codes, it will be hard for anyone to diagnose. Fortunately is should be covered.
So can you report back what the Dealer said is the problem? If it is a 2011 and less than 24K miles you get free towing to a Toyota Dealer. The car is also under warranty. Curious what went wrong.
I hate hearing that a 2011 with only 24k on the odometer has went down. Considering that my 2011 has 26k on the odometer right now.
Did your dealership find what was wrong? Some owners of late model liftbacks have experienced issues with loose hybrid power cables and other Toyota quality spills. Please let us know what they found.
My 2010 with 10,000 miles on it would not start the other day. Called the dealer and got a tow truck out. The dealer had the TT driver try to jump it off with no success so we loaded it and took to dealer. The dealer gave me a rental so I could get home. The next day the dealer called for me to pick up my car. He said the 12 volt battery had gone bad and they simply replaced it free of charge because of warranty. He said that the newer batteries would sometimes go bad without any warning. If you are not familiar with exactly how to jump start your Prius I would highly suggest you learn. You will probably need to make sure your positive end of your cable that you attach to your Prius will fit on. I have a pair of cables from Sears that work perfectly.