When I run the studded snow tires, I would like to disable the TPMS. I have seen instructions for doing this on several Toyota models, but not on the Prius C. The part number for the door/TPMS controller is 90119-06915. Without a detailed function/diagram of this part, it would be guesswork to modify anything. On most Toyotas, the TPMS controller is a separate unit, but the C combines the function of door contol (lock/unlock). If anyone has any additional information (such as a wiring diagram for controller connections, I would be grateful. I really don't want to put some tape over the TPMS dashboard indicator. Thanks, Ron
I have put snow tires on many cars with TPMS and I just ignore the yellow dash light. It is not worth screwing with and when the all season tires go back on in the spring, the system goes back to working correctly.
However inelegant a solution, it appears to be the cheapest and most functional. That TPMS light appears to have a mind of its own. When I swapped out the factory steelies for my 3-season rolling stock, it took my car 4 days to figure out there were no TPMS sensors installed. Since then, it seems to toggle the light every few days. For having active pressure sensors, that's simply unacceptable response time. IMO it's yet another useless OEM TPMS [right there with BMW, MINI, and VW]. Why can't more OEM's do it correctly like Ford & GM?
OK, OK... Enough advice about not "screwing" with anything. The solution on the other Toyotas I saw was both elegant and relatively easy. It amounted to installing a small switch which would enable or disable the TPMS. I think that the whole job took about an hour. I would prefer this to covering up the warning light. Maybe you wouldn't. So far, nobody has come forward with any info on the TPMS controller, but I'll bet somebody eventually will. ------- Ron
Is this something that a Scan/UltraGauge would help with? Not that this is a cost-effective solution...
Try so local parts store and buy 4 tpms sensors for your winter tires and rims. I bought 4 sensors for my jeep off ebay. Then when u swap tires all u have to do is hit the button under the steering wheel and ur good to go. The reason all cars come with tpms now is not cause the mfg's want to it is because it is federaly mandated as of 2012 all cars and trucks built must have it just like ORB-II ports in 1996.