today i noticed that if both my key and my iphone are in the same pocket, i get a key not detected error.. anyone experiencing the same?? thanks
IPhone has a new iOS update. It is bug fixes. I would try that first. If you still have the issue I would uninstall Entune and install again. If you still have the issue ask the dealer.
Huh? I doubt the OP's issue has anything to do w/Entune or an iOS update. I suspect the radios (cellular, Bluetooth and wi-fi) are putting out interference that causes communications between the car and key fob to be blocked/garbled/masked or causing the key fob to get confused/into a bad state.
^^^ Just because he doesn't have a problem doesn't necessarily mean you won't. Transmitting signal strength depends on your received signal strength. He may not be on the same radio bands and frequencies. Look up Wikipedia entries for the bands mentioned at iOS: Understanding cellular data networks. This is just for the cellular side and doesn't include BT nor wi-fi.
I get that regularly, but haven't checked if it makes a difference whether the iPhone is on or off. In other words, is it RF interference, or just that the fob is shielded by the metal in the phone?
I think it's more likely that it's interference. It'd be interested to see if it's repro when the iPhone's off or in airplane mode. One could narrow it down for your particular area and phone but not being in airplane mode and turning off wi-fi and Bluetooth.
Yes--usually when the iPhone is between the key and the on-button. So I wonder if it would happen with other electronic devices the size of an iPhone. Maybe some sort of shielding effect???
I don't think one can make any conclusive statements on that. Here's a list of Android smartphones: Comparison of Android devices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Here's an example of frequencies that might be in use for some cellular standards. This isn't even all of them: E-UTRA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia UMTS frequency bands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cellular frequencies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia GSM frequency bands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Then there are the other radios on the phone (wi-fi and Bluetooth)... Here are some wi-fi frequencies: List of WLAN channels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Today I made sure that the keyfob was in the same pocket as the iPhone, up against it, but the fob had a straight line to the ON button with nothing in between but air and pants fabric. No problem. IIRC, there are some threads where people suggested that, if you want to keep a key fob in your Prius, without your Prius detecting it, you should wrap it in aluminum foil. If that's true, then I think the problem might not be radio interference from the iPhone but electrical shielding? EE types--am I right about this?
Although not exactly the same issue, I had a similar problem when I had two key FOBs from two different Prius (2010 and 2011 MY) in my 2011 Prius at the same time. I would get key not detected message. Here is a video I made of the issue. By-the-way the manual does mention there can be device interference with the Prius.
Not only the Prius apparently. Today I visited a friend of mine - to show him my new spaceship My friend spend some time inside my car (with the fob to his car in the pocket) - he was even allowed to have a short ride. Then - once we returned to his parking - I was going to demonstrate how the IPA works. Then my friend has to move his Toyota Avensis to make a room for intended manoeuvre. His Avensis reported "key not detected" message and could not start (except all displays ON). Several attempts were made with no results. Then I moved my Prius to a distance approx. 20 meters and left my fob in a separate place in same distance. Eventually Avensis responded with all it's diesel click-clacking and we relaxed Obviously the fob of my friend was temporarily confused and for some time it was unsure who is it's "Master and Commander"