I recently took a drive down CA to visit some friends in Santa Barbara. The whole drive down, my gas gauge did not move one notch. Finally, when I got to SB, it had moved down a couple of notches. By a couple, I mean 2 at the most. The next day, we drive to Costco and all of the sudden my C stops and says problem with the hybrid system. My car had run out of gas however my gas gauge said I still had plenty over half full. This is partly my fault since I shouldn't have expected to have gone so far on the tank, but at the same time, why isn't my gas gauge warning me like a normal car would. I have an appointment to get the gas gauge fixed this weekend but was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this issue and what they did to resolve it? Is it my gas gauge or is my car just new and needs to break in? I don't think that's the case since my car has 4000 miles on it now. Anyway, let me know! PS If you did have the gauge replaced, how long did it take to get your car back? If it takes a while, I wanna see if I can get a rental car from the dealer
I've not had any gas gauge issues on my C2, but others in these forums have had similar problems to your own. You might try searching the threads to see if any of the other posts are pertinent to your situation. Best of luck!
It might just need to be calibrated. Not sure if it is the same on the C as the normal liftback, but it involves parking on a flat surface and doing some form of button pressing chicken dance.
Probably not an easy fix. They might need to replace the entire gas tank. Plus, it will take 3 or 4 days to get the part (3 or 4 weeks if it comes from Japan).
My Prius C 2 has done this as well. I ran out of gas with three bars. Usually when I fill it, it only illuminates to the 1 or 2 bars below the top. I have yet to take it in to be fixed. However since others are having this issue I did file a defect report on nhtsa.gov. I would suggest that you do the same, so there is a log of this problem. Maybe Toyota will end up issuing a TSB or recall to fix this issue.
No problems on this one. I usually fill up when I see there are 2 bars left. Why take the chance of going all the way down? Hopefully is only a couple of incidents out there. So far so good on mine. Let us know what they find at the dealership.
Yea theres a problem with a lot of the prius C cars and other Toyota models that their gas gauge isnt working right. the gas sending unit is messing up its pretty fast fix as long as they have the part.