I bought a 2003 prius with 118,000 miles, dealer assured me it was well maintained and in excellent condition. 2 days later it died. I discovered that the prior owner had traded it in because it needed thousands of dollars in repairs. My dealer assured me he didn't know, and would fix it. He installed a refurbished inverter. 2 days later it died again. It's showing codes P3001, P3009, and P3030. He says the code it had before was P3125, and that the new codes are not a preexisting problem. He estimates $1400 if I don't have to also buy a new battery (he said sometimes replacing the ECU is enough). All of this is gibberish to me. Are these new codes related to the old one, or am I just out a small fortune? Thanks for any advice/clarification you can give me.
Did you purchase your vehicle with a warranty? If so, whats it cover and for how long is the term of the warranty? Does you state have a lemon clause where you can return a vehicle before a certain amount of time? I wish you all the luck... Lemon Law Statutes, Brochures, and Fact Sheets
That stinks... I know where I would drive that car... well if it actually moved anyway. Hope things work out.
Our state lemon laws only apply to new cars. I was hoping I could tie these present codes to the admitted pre-existing condition, but I don't know if needing an ECU is related to the inverter they installed. I thought someone here might know. The warranty that came with the car is only 15%, apparantly the minimum our state requires. (I declined a very expensive add on extended......) Thanks for the sympathy. I'm reminding myself that expensive repairs are still better than an accident!
Main Hybrid battery failure. I bet your hi voltage battery assy has the classic Gen I battery module interconnect corrosion problem. Thats fixable but need some technical and electronic skills. Many posts here about this. May be worth it to at least pull it out and pull the cover off and examine it. You will see all the interconnect rods and bolts corroded causing bad connections between all the battery modules. This issue is exacerbated by the car sitting dormant on a sales lot for weeks or months. If I read you correctly the dealer is saying this is new stuff not covered under any warranty. Typical. You may need a new hybrid battery. Your choices are many: Hybrid Battery Depot Reinvolt Autobeyours eBay or local junkyard. Many posts on how to install this rebuilt battery assy on this site. Not hard but a few important things to know. I see a few used batterys for sale on ebay, one for $600 free ship and this is interesting also: Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Rebuild Instructions 2001 '03 | eBay
is there no warranty at all on used cars in your state? this is a ripoff and should be reported to the better business bureau and state attorney generals office for consumer affairs. all the best!
No warranty on used cars down here for instance. All "Implied" warranties are "Affirmatively" disclaimed plainly on one of the 50 pages of docs you have to sign unless the seller offers extra service which is rare. Of course a private seller is not held to any implied warranty and does not have to disclaim anything. You are sol. Actually sounds like the dealer tried to help with the Inverter replace but now that this is getting sticky he's going back to his paperwork stand. Which will hold up in court. There is no lemon law for used cars. This is why it is foolish to buy a Gen I without taking it to the dealer and have the Hybrid battery tested. You can roll the dice on the trans but the battery is easily tested. $125. The OP has not posted his locale so do not know if he has a carb state warranty on battery. Why can't people fill out there damn profile.
WOW! Is that the norm in other states that the factory warranty is not transferable!?! In Michigan, its implied that its transferable - you dont even have to do anything if you buy it used (like telling Toyota, etc), just bring the car in within the warranty period if you have a problem.