Last night on the national news, there were reports of VERY long lines as gas stations and shortages, resembling that of the 70s. They went by a line that stretched out onto a highway, IIRC. In the midst of the line, I saw a Hummer H2. Gee.... could he have taken a worse vehicle to fill up? 32 gallon tank, exempt from fuel economy tests (so EPA rating is unknown), but typically averaging 9 to 11 mpg, from what I read.
Limit each customer to 12 gallons or so unless it's a commercial vehicle. And hand out information on how to hypermile.
...we took in NJ refugees today...least we could do...our grandkids and their parents. Basically the wind damage they saw in North NJ was worse than the VA Derecho we had this past July. So power lines are under trees down everywhere.
Maybe, but I doubt you could find a commercially made vehicle better suited to get around town after a disaster.
Any smaller and cheaper jeep would do A 4x4 toyota rav 4 even. A h2 is not that great ofroader like the h1 is -Tapatalk
They don't have comparable clearance or capacity. Who wants to make two trips into a disaster area, not me.
For those who aren't in the affected areas and haven't been watching news broadcasts, esp. national news to see the gas lines in the affected areas, see below. Someone I know on MNL posted this video that was supposedly taken earlier today from NJ. The driver is driving a BMW ActiveE (pure EV).
Chris Matthews is happy about "Sandy" showing up last week at least he was "politically" happy and said he was sorry later. chris matthews happy about sandy - Google Search
I have to tell my oldest son (an electrician who did college work in the Finger Lakes turbine fields) about this one. Holy crap! Glad he decided to do residential electrical work in the summers in Aspen and his dream job of groomer in the winter...
PHOTOS: NYC's Subway Equipment After Sandy - Business Insider MTA 'Pump Train' Teams Under NYC - Business Insider