Hello everyone. What an awesome forum you guys have created here. I have had my fill of car forums from the past (owned a Jeep Wrangler). All this information is 1.) an excellent resource to any newbie 2.) information overload at first . So I'm asking. Can anyone give me one thread that will help me out to really maximize the use of my prius c. I've been going through the entire forum viewing different ones (for about the last 2 hours) but i figured i would just ask to find that one good one you members would recommend. What I've learned so far. 1.) Acc. to speed. let off pedal, reengage pedal to maintain speed. 2.) Use ECO SCORE screen for best results. (still don't fully understand my screens) 3.) Coast and watch braking just as well as quick accelerating. 4.) Weather, heater, AC, wind, road conditions all effect MPG's. So thats the gist of what i know so far. Anything else would help out tremendous. Or if you think you can explain one of these points better, I can tell you in advance it will be much appreciated. I want to be a 60mpg guy. Thanks Dave
Welcome to the PC family! You will learn somthing new almost everyday on this forum. Winter will decrease your MPG. Just drive and enjoy your "Toy"ota. Have fun waving at the gas station.......
Welcome to the PC family! You will learn somthing new almost everyday on this forum. Winter will decrease your MPG. Just drive and enjoy your "Toy"ota. Have fun waving at the gas station.......
Welcome to the PC family! You will learn somthing new almost everyday on this forum. Winter will decrease your MPG. Just drive and enjoy your "Toy"ota. Have fun waving at the gas station.......
There is some great info on this forum, however what you really should do first is learn the basics of hypermiling first. Then apply the power of the hybrid synergy drive (HSD) to that. Check this stuff out The Instructor in both videos has a sight called CleanMPG, An authoritative source on fuel economy and hypermiling The main thing to hypermiling is to look ahead and this think what's going to happen. Most of us look right in front of us and think this is what just happened. You have to try and never be surprised.