My old malibu was about to explode so I purchased my first ever, 100% brand-new car; a Prius Two. Overall, I'm loving it. Very different to get used to at first. Few things I have noticed so far: 1. Within a couple days, two people have already given me the finger. To be honest it makes me mad. A semi can go 65 in the slow lane, but if I do it people rage and get furious. 2. My co-workers think I'm less of a man for buying one, apparently saving $$$ at the pump is considered a weakness. Screw 'em. I'm hoping to break the whole "Prius stereotype". People around here believe that Prii are for tree-huggers, liberal art students, California residents, and hipsters. 3. My P2 pulls a little to the right, it's not bad but it's noticeable and annoying. 4. I'm a little disappointed with MPG...I know, I know...but today I drove 120 miles, 95% highway, 60 MPH on cruise, with ECO mode on, and all I got was 48 MPG. I worked hard to coast down hills and even ensured my tires were prop inflated. 48MPG is still great, but I was hoping for more. Still, I'm happy with the car. Hi guys. -Pete
Instead of setting the cruise at 60, maybe take a little mpg hit and go 65. 2mpg on a 20 mile highway drive is something like .02 g of gasoline. It is a privilege to use the roadway with others, don't abuse it.
Congrats! You must be so excited, new car, new warranty, no miles! Yea, people might not let you change lanes as easily and may honk at you, oh well. What I have done to deal with this is to learn the flow of different lanes of traffic. I drive long stretches of Sunset, Wilshire, Santa Monica and a few others. I can't tell you how many times drivers have honked at me and half a mile down the road I blew by them because they were in the slower lane and got caught at a light. I also honk and flip them off back. Even though I am supposed to teach against doing that type of thing.
I dont get fingers or honks as much as I get tailgaters and get cut off. I usually just let it roll off, but I LOVE when they cut me off when its dark out - the Prius HID headlights are VERY bright and Im sure its annoying as hell to have those in their mirrors. Karma is a real ..... lol With tailgaters I usually get out of their way although Im a leadfoot myself so Im usually already going 2-10mph over the speed limit (god bless radar detectors). Im not gonna let them ruin my avg mpgs by making me speed up any more! haha.
Thanks everyone. I'm from the West side of Michigan, Grand Rapids - but I have an hour long commute to South Haven everyday. I live in the country/city border where everyone my age has either a truck or Jeep. That's hilarious with the headlights, I was actually amazed/shocked when I turned them on for the first time. I guess I never realized how horrible my old car was until I upgraded to the Prius. "I also honk and flip them off back." I wish I could, but one of the perks the dealership threw in were tinted windows. I hate having people stare at me while I'm cruising at 65. It's nice having them tinted, but nobody can see me if I return the gesture. I do feel like people are more aggressive to me while driving, than say, a Geo metro.
I should've clarified, I norm go 65 MPG. However, the highway is almost always dead during my morning commute, so I can usually lock in @60. Sometimes I get lucky though and can trail behind a semi for a nice quiet ride.
Welcome aboard! A G3-two is one of the better commuting cars on the planet, and is probably one of the best cars you can get as a first 100-percent brand new car. Drive your car like any other car for the first few tanks while you get used to it and learn where the corners are. It's starting to get a little nippy up in the Wolverine state, and your MPGs will suffer a little bit. Consider bumping your tire pressures up about 10-percent and There's no reason that you shouldn't be in the low to mid 50s for mileage however (comma!) if you're commuting an hour mostly on the interstate??? 48 isn't shabby. You wanna know what the G3 (3rd Gen Prius) is rated to provide for highway mileage? Right.'s 48. Try not to be one of "those" Prius drivers. If you're tooling along in the slow lane and there's room for folks to pass you, and they're chewing on your rear bumper then you're not the butt...they are. Let them be. People like that are usually self-punishing. Let them punish themselves. Also...if you're old enough to pay for your own wheels you're old enough to know and drive what kinda car YOU want. Don't let your "buddies" at work decide what's "cool" for you. There's nothing especially "manly" about paying $75 to fill up a vehicle with a 350 mile tank range. Good Luck!
I feel ya Night... when I "mentioned" my interest several years ago about the Prius.. I was severely ridiculed for it...
Same here. They think I'm being an old man. This is a pretty interesting thread, seems like Prius owners are pretty smart people. Maybe skewed though, since it's on a forum. Prius Owners Poll - What do you do for a living? | PriusChat
Nice car have fun with it. Regarding the MPG give it a little time. You will learn about the car and how it behaves. The car will also break in. I have found even driving at night vs day impacts MPG since it is harder to anticipate road grade changes. Rain, wind, cold and running the HVAC all impact mpg. If the car pulls it could be out of alignment which would also impact the MPG. Lots of info on this site. The more you read and understand the technology the better you will do with it. 48 MPG is a great start!!!!
***UPDATE*** Great news everyone! Today I did 120 miles, 95% hwy. Results? 64 MPG. I'm guessing my initial numbers were low due to the storm, perhaps I didn't notice the wind while driving. The car is awesome, and it's paying for itself (I get 50 cents per mile for driving to I pocketed 60 bucks, plus or minus). It's such a relief to not worry about wasting money because of driving anymore.
Also, another thing to consider is, new tires will impact MPG until they are broken in, just like an engine.
If the car's pulling the alignment could be off. But anyway, check your tire pressures. (Fresh from the dealer doesn't mean anything). Make sure they're at least door jamb spec when cold (adjust upwards to allow for the coldest morning for the time of year). Oh, and congratulations on your new car. Nil illegitimus carborundum as the joke goes. If anyone doubts your mileage offer to show them the car's trip meters and lifetime average display and deduct 6% to be conservative (the car's a big fat liar, especially in the winter). Then it's just a matter of priorities.