I'm a proud member of Toastmasters International. In fact, I'm the President of our local club. For those who don't know, the Toastmasters program has ten speeches spanning various speaking skills. I recently delivered my "Getting Comfortable with Visual Aids" speech. Because I write educational materials and used to be a full-time instructor, I decided to make a Powerpoint presentation. And because it's a good idea to talk about what you're familiar with, I chose the Hybrid Synergy Drive. And now I've decided to share with all of you. If you ever need or want to deliver a speech about HSD, feel free to use this. There are a few notes for each slide that you can use, discard, or reference. Warning: There's a lot of animation. I love animation if done well. And I hope that once you watch this presentation you'll think it was done well. But - and this is important - make sure you know what the things doing before you move or delete it. P.S. I just realized that some of the animation I used doesn't work in versions of Powerpoint other than Office 2003. Sorry.
Very informative! Yes, I like those animations. I still remember the time we had some animations on our PP XP presentation only to find all of them didn't work in school cause their PP XP is the version/build below ours =S
Hey, thanks guys. I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope that if you ever need to explain HSD you might consider using it. The speech I delivered had a 7 minute time limit. This really hindered the amount of information I could deliver. So it's easy for someone who knows a lot about the Prius to find details missing (for example, two bars do not turn purple). But the people I presented to seriously had no idea how the whole thing works. For them, this was the perfect blend of in depth explination without overwhelming detail. Also, it has been pointed out to me that near the end of the presentation I have the word "costing" which should be "coasting". If you have already downloaded the file and think you might show it to others, please fix that typo lest they will think you did it. I have already fixed it and changed the attachment so all future downloads should be correct.
I was checking this over on my wife's computer last night and realized that the animations are part of PowerpointXP and 2003. Her version of Pp98(?) was unable to perform the graphics and stuff. So I just saved it as a Powerpoint Show which should be a self-contained presentation. I would test it but of course it's going to work on my computer. I would really appreciate it if someone who doesn't have Office XP or 2003 would download this PPS file and try it on their computer. THANKS.
Works OK on Keynote. Actually very nice. Sorry about the Keynote crack. Well actually not but Steve made me say it.
Nice presentation, Tony! One other small typo is "effects" should be "affects". It looks nice in OpenOffice (the *free* open-source office suite).
using office 97... works fine...like your animation on "increased load" and stuff...(although, looks like your Prius may have suffered a little front end damage on the hill... )
So it's not rotating the image up the hill? That's what I was concerned with. When you import an image into PpXP and then rotate it, viewing that image in Pp97 does not show the rotation. That's what I suspect you are seeing. There are also animation things XP supports that 97 does not; I will rework them. I will import the presentation into Pp97 and publish another version. Thanks for the verification.
Tony, very well done. Thank you for your permission to share this with friends and family. Great job!!
actually it is rotating. its just the first position that has the front end into the hill a little. . after that, it does fine. then again, it could be my setup...might need an update or 2... i do know that office 97 had at least 2 service packs and im sure i have those...