Cabin Filter replacement instructions are probably available, but I have not been able to find them. Help would be appreciated.
The filter I bought had the instructions in the box. I think it was a FRAM. I have done it so many times now I dont look in the box so I am not sure if they come with instructions now.
Empty lower glove box. Remove the plastic spring arm connected to glove box Lower glove box further and gently remove it. You need to squeeze on the sides to make it lower enough to remove. There is a white door behind the glove box, about 1"x5". Carefully open this door. There's a little catch and then it hinges open. Remove old filter. It just slides right out. Install new filter. It slides right in. Super easy. Replace filter door Replace glove box Attach spring arm Put your junk back in the glove box and close it Drive
Your avatar does not state the year of your car but the 2010 instructions for changing the cabin air filter can be found in the Owner's Manual starting on page 457. You should check this filter every 6 months and replace as necessary. The filter can be cleaned.
It's in the manual. Clean at 15,000 miles, replace at 30,000 So I replaced mine at 10,000 / 6 months. I replaced one in our Honda at 40K, and it was black and sooty. It you regularly park under a tree, especially with rain, it will get dirty. What happens is that all cars have an air intake between the hood and windshield. A fan draws air in through these vents and blows it into the passenger cabin, after it passes over heating and cooling coils (if the heater or AC is on). The filter is supposed to filter out pollen, but other stuff gets sucked into these vents -- wet leaves, twigs, bugs, dirt, grime -- and the filter catches that as well. The worst is if you park under a tree in the rain, because little wet leaves and wet twigs will decay and become disgusting rot. Or, hey, just listen to Toyota and wait 30,000 miles.
When ours was replaced at about 8,000 miles and 1.5 years of age, it was covered in mold. There was a moldy smell in the car.
Just want to point out that the filter is directional, make sure you check which way the arrow is pointing at.
True. To be honest, I think the reason for the arrow is if you clean and replace the filter, you want to replace it in the same direction it was in before, or else it will blow crud inside the car. I always just replace mine.
What is the best source for quality filters. I may want to change mine a little early due to having the solar fan option.
I put a new one in, just before going to the dealer to get my FREE Toyota Car service. They will look at one with a few leaves and other debris and try to sell you one at an expensive installed price.