So at first it was supposed to be in the summer...then the one of favorite comedians once said "motherf***er do you have any idea how late it is? Its TOMORROW!" So point being, I got a call months ago saying they needed to verify my address. I did. I asked when it would come. They said they didnt know, but that it would take weeks. Its now been months. Never received anything, and the posts on this forum regarding people not getting their update have stopped...which makes me feel like the only dumbass left out. So, please let me know, what can I do?
DarkLeafar – Trick Or Treat…The check…er-r-r-r…USB Thumb Drive is in the mail. FWIW, my Toyota Entune Update story exactly matches yours. My “Toyota verifying my address” phone call happened on 8/7/2012, which was nearly three months ago. I still have received no Toyota Entune® System S/W Revision Version 2.1.0 Thumb Drive in the mail. I have been thinking about calling Toyota Customer Service again to rattle their cage on it. However, since I had heard rumors of a subtle loss of some of NAV Lady’s current Left-Right Guidance Functionality, which is in the current, older Revision Level v.1.8.4, but “disappears” when the Entune® System S/W Revision Version 2.1.0 is installed, I might not be too quick to install Version 2.1.0 when it does arrive. The v.2.1.0 Update is mainly all smoothing out and installing missing Cell Phone/Smart Phone related functionality and features. Since I do not do cell phones in my cars, I will probably hold off on actually installing v.2.1.0 until I verify whether this loss of NAV Lady functionality rumor is true or false because I do not want to potentially loose any NAV Lady Guidance Functionality. I am currently happy with the NAV Lady and her Route Guidance. Of course, I still want to have Toyota send and me to receive the Version 2.1.0 Update Thumb Drive. Therefore, I will probably be calling Toyota Customer Service again to check on where the v.2.1.0 mailing is, and when it might arrive. I, for sure, will make that call to TCS before the anniversary date of the day I purchased my Pv5, which is Christmas.
Thanks, at least I know I'm not alone. There is a download file on this forum somewhere. Should I just do that?
A couple of us had been bugging Toyota about this issue and they finally said a week or so ago that it would be fixed in the next update. They did not say when that would be.