I was curious if anyone knew when the 2013 Prius's were coming out. I assume around Xmas time. Is the best time to purchase and get a good deal on a new 2012 Prius around Xmas time ? Thoughts? Also, how much on average do you think we can talk the dealer down in price? (Couple hundred?, Couple thousand?) Any/all info appreciated. Looking forward to becoming a Prius owner!
I was able to get $2300 off a model four in the San Francisco Bay Area this August. The car was fresh on the lot,never have been test driven except by me and had 1 mile when I test drove it. I just sent many emails to toyota dealerships stating how much i want off msrp and hanlees toyota agreed and we had a deal. Usually dealers will offer incentives/factory rebates for outgoing models. Check out truecar.com it's a great site, you can see how much people near you bought their prius for...
Got mine 10 days ago for $500 over dealer invoice. Orders for 2013's are already being taken at my dealership, I think stock on hand is all that's coming for the 12's for the most part. There were only 4 level 4's in Blizzard in the region when I ordered mine. They had to transport it 400 miles to get it for me but it only had 2 miles on it when I took delivery. Don't wait too long. Just my opinion.
got mine (Prius Two) few weeks ago for $3500 under sticker...depending on what you want there may not be a huge inventory. I settle for my 4th color combo choice (But after taking delivery of it, this would have been my first choice)
Wife and I picked up a used 2012 FIVE for $25.5K....wife doesn't really like the color - I LOVE THE COLOR!
That's a smokin deal! I paid ~32k in Feb 2012 for mine, so as "Prius 5 Guy" said he got is for about 1k less than me, now would be a great time to get one.
I give all the credit to my wife, she's a tough cookie when it comes down to getting a good deal. She pretty much told me, we dont really need this car so follow my lead! The car was going for $26.9K. She told them i'll take it for $25.5...they told her no and said the car is being sold below value already. After about 30 minutes of going back and forth, with two little kids running around the dealership, we decided to walk away. Soon as i got my second kid in the car seat the dealer comes running out and tells my wife they'll work with her. Once everything was finalized i asked the dealer why they agreed to our price...she smiled and said you had two things going for you: (1) the car had been sitting in their lot for the last 40 days with little to no interest from buyers, and (2) the dealership was getting ready to auction the car the next day.
Another factor might be shopping at the end of the month, when dealers and salespeople are desperate to make their monthly sales quotas.
If you are going to do this make sure and be flexible with which dealer you go to. Some of the dealers may have already hit their quotas and not make as good of deal.
Bought my 2012 Blizzard Pearl Prius Three w/ Sunroof, mats, tint, and stripes on Oct. 16th for $28,560.60 out the door!!! It had 14 miles on it. The first price they brought me was $38,500.00 out the door, I almost laughed!!
Paid 27k for a base Prius Plug In with 0% interest.. These deals are only until 11/5 .. So best time is RIGHT NOW!! Good luck!
Hi folks can you help me. I'm getting ready to hit the dealers here in AZ this weekend. I'm looking to buy a 2012 Five base, what price range is considered a good deal before taxes? Thanks in advance.
Hmm. Ok. So I am sold on a Prius. I am looking to get a Prius 3 with sunroof. MSRP is about $27,850. What is good starting offer for a 2012? Also anyone know why the insurance premium is higher for a Prius?? TIA
You should be able to get it for right around $500 over dealer invoice. Tell them you got quoted a price through the Costco auto sales at another dealership but would rather purchase from them. Costco price on a Prius is a flat $500 over dealer invoice which is what I got my Prius 4 for. As for insurance it shouldn't be a premium, I changed insurance companies when I bought it but it was WAY cheaper. I have 100/300/100 with a $500 deductible on my 2012 Prius and my 2011 Venza and I am paying $350 every 6 months.