Ok lol, all joking aside... just a few days ago I had to honk my horn, and it sounded pretty normal..and all of a sudden, 2 days later I was honking outside my girlfriends house and no joke, it sounds like a toy car going boop boop! -_-; I was honestly embarrassed by it, now my girl wont let me down on it unless I fix it LOL... So I have no idea what went wrong? Is it possible for a horn to malfunction?
Horns can fail just like anything else. It's possible to add a more "assertive" horn. You use a standard automotive relay, wiring the existing horn wire to the relay coil. Then the relay runs battery power to the new horn. I used two "truck" horns in my 4X4 - they are usually made in pairs such that the frequency of the pair beats in a painful manner. You can then put in a two position switch such that position one uses the stock horn (excuse me please), and position two uses the new horn (get the *&%$# out of the way!!!).
There are two horn speakers, high tone and low tone. They are supposed to work at the same time to produce a normal tone. If your car sounds like a Fisher Price special all of the sudden, your high tone speaker might have gone out. Take a quick look under the hood to see if the connector worked its way loose. To early for it the fail complely.
I went ahead and made sure the connectors were attached correctly, one of them was slightly lose, but didn't seem to be the problem... still getting the BOOP BOOP >.< Is this something I can take to the dealership to have it looked at?
I just took out a 4 inch long grasshopper stuck under the bracket for the outside temp sensor, inside of the low grille. I could not reach in there. In the end, I used a pair of disposable chop sticks from Chinese takeouts to loosen it, and then to take it out through the grille opening.