Is this new, or did I just miss it because I was too happy about my Prius and HOV lane privileges? From the CA DMV site link, there is a January 1, 2008 expiration date on the Low Emission Auto's use of the HOV lane. It's way at the bottom of the document, like it was just added.... Basically it says that on 1/1/2008, the stickers will be void unless the program is extended. I think it's new, but please let me know if it's always been there. Thanks!! javascript:emoticon('') smilie
You and me both. I've been car-pooling for years, but that came to an end over the summer. As soon as this law was approved I jumped at the chance to get back into the HOV lane. Hopefully it will be extended when 2008 rolls around.
And there is also a proviso that when they reach 50,000 cars that they can turn off some HOV lanes to us. From San Jose Mercury News Jan 3, 2006 Los Angeles drivers hold the top spot in the state; 11,528 stickers had been mailed out through November, among the more than 42,000 carpool applications sent in as of last week. About 215 new applications arrive in DMV offices in Sacramento each Monday through Friday. If that rate continues, the 50,000 limit could be reached by March. At that point, state officials will evaluate the impact of allowing hybrids to use the carpool lane during commute hours. Depending on those findings, the state could decide to either issue 25,000 more stickers or limit hybrid use in carpool lanes on certain highways if the lanes are overused. ``When we hit 50,000, Caltrans can tell us to stop issuing, or make specified carpool lanes off-limits to hybrids, at any time,'' said DMV spokesman Steve Haskins, whose agency will soon post a disclaimer on its Web site regarding possible limitations on carpool-lane use.
I only just noticed it on DMV site (not that I spent much time there before), but I knew it was written into the program. But hey...emphasis on "unless the program is extended"! I'm sure there are lots of us with activitist instincts around here, and in two years we will really be taking the privilege for granted, so we will just lobby our legislators as needed to get it extended! (Wow, how naive do I sound?!?)
I received a notice yesterday that they would expire January 1 2008. urther that the car pool lanes could be restricted if it was determined that hybrid use led to overuse of the car pool lanes. According to a news item I heard on the radio, carpool lane usage is down about 5% overall even with the addition of hybrids.
It's too bad that I didn't know about this until seeing posts yesterday. I guess I didn't read all the stipulations and it certainly wasn't well publicized in the media at all. If I'd known about this, I might have passed up my #3 color choice (white) and waited for another when my dealer called last week saying he got one in. I was looking at the sticker more from a resale point of view which will be moot if they don't extend it once we reach 2008. I go to/from work so late anyhow that the HOV sticker doesn't help me most of the time.
we were talking about this at work the other day and sending these letters to people who already have the stickers is really not that useful. true, some people with the stickers don't know these things, but the people who really need to know this info are people buying priuses and HCH just to get the stickers. the dealers certainly won't bend over backward to let people know all the caveats. the DMV should make all dealers post this notice somewhere.
That information was and is available on the DMV website, right along the HOV sticker application form link. Clean Air Vehicle Stickers—High Occupancy Vehicle Lane Usage The statute itself is quite clear: Can't anyone take some responsibility for their own actions and take the time to read the rules on their own? Does everything needs to be spoon fed?
whats the point of having one if they're going to tell you possibly can't use them(limiting the hours of hybrid use of the lane)? I think thats unfair-- they should wind up owing you refunds.
The rules on this were known A YEAR before they finally got the Federal aproval to implement the program, and were accessible from the same web page where you printed the application. But since the program's started, it's nothing but complaining-- the sticker is too big, I might not be able to drive in the lane when I want to, the program is going to end. The program costs $8.50, people. Even if they revoke it tomorrow, if you used that sticker ONCE to get around a stopped freeway, you've earned that money back. And if the only reason you bought a Prius in the first place was to use the carpool lane, maybe you should have done a little bit more research before committing to a $20K purchase. Refunds. Feh. Doesn't California have enough financial problems as it is?
okay. right. read ayn rand much? thought so. the point i was making is that it doesnt do much good to send a reminder about the rules to people who already have the stickers. if the state wants to spend money to publicize the carpool sticker rules, it would do more good to give prospective buyers ammo against dishonest car dealers. unless you live on a different planet than i do, i'm sure we can all agree that 80+% of all car salesmen are scumbags and would do anything to make a sale, including the omission of little details like "but, the program expires in 2008" and "at 50,000 stickers they may reconsider the whole thing"
Which is why I do not accept anything any sales person tells me at face value and I take the time to look up and verify all the relevant information I need to know, on my own, before making a decision.