Long story short, I believe someone stole my valet key and I want to deactivate it. I've read the instructions from Programming New Keys, but I'm afraid if I erase all my keys how will I reprogram it? Will it accept the first master key inserted to program, since there will be none stored in the memory? Will I need to do the initial procedure to marry a master key to the ECU and let it set for 30 minutes? Any info would be appreciated. This is a gen1 Prius, but I believe it uses the same interlock system.
The erase-all operation forgets all keys except the one you use to do the operation. Then you can proceed to use it program in others. I would suggest signing up on techinfo.toyota.com so you can read the procedure in the manual directly. There is enough detail in there (on the timing of the key turns and door openings, etc.) that most summaries on the 'webs don't include it all, and I'm not sure they're all complete. (I don't think anybody sets out to get it wrong, it's just something that can happen to detailed technical information when it gets copied and re-copied by people writing in a hurry.) -Chap