I love the space in the trunk but I see no way of holding things from falling all over. Alot of cars no adays have straps, webbing or hooks. Anyone know of an assessory that will contain bags and stuff? If not I was considering purchasing those fold up/fold down flat boxes. I looked at Home Depot and no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks all. And mine too drive spendidly in the rain.
I am going to purchase the Toyota Cargo Tote. It helps keep cargo/trunk area organized according to Toyota.
I had a Toyota net installed. (Cost: $39.00) It can hold 2 or 3 grocery bags ( or other similiar sized items and keeps anything in the rear from sliding into the window. Toyota also sells collapsing boxes for around $49.00
Thanks all. You know I've been all over the internet looking only to find THIS is he place to find the answer....Toyot, but of course. Any sebsite you could direct me to?
I have two cargo totes. I usually use only one but have a second in case. You can fit two in if they go vertically instead of horizontally. I like them because they have handles and the center divider snaps in place. You can undo a snap to make a larger area or take the entire thing out altogether. I have the second one stowed in the underneath area unless I need it. I also have a regular cargo net, which I don't use except to keep stuff from sliding out the back when I open the hatch. I have a horizontal cargo net as well. It's a "spider" net that clips on the four corners and lays flat. Really nice if you have to hold something large down. I used it to keep some flower pots from sliding around. I keep this stowed underneath also. Meguiar's has a really nice trunk organizer. Target has some, but I've never seen one in person so can't speak to quality.
I like this idea quite a lot: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Toyota-Priu...sspagenameZWD1V You could make it yourself - I'm likely getting her package deal (armrests, center console, and MFD hood with free shipping) and will probably just buy her set. Would be easy with a sewing machine, and still pretty doable without.
I'm gonna go with the cop out answer here... cardboard box. Granted I'm always recycling those, but they work like a charm-- apple and banana boxes are AWESOME for grocery bags.
If you are not using the cargo mat (or willing to forgo it), these cargo blocks stick like glue to the regular trunk carpet. A set of 4 "L" shaped blocks is only $20, available at most Audi dealers. The bottoms of the blocks have a coarse velcro hook strip on them. Just pull them up and arrage to fit your load. http://www.clairparts.com/accessories4.asp...969&PDID=181071 - Tom
http://www.toyota.com/prius/accessories.html There ya go. All the accesories for the Prius. (2006, but the cargo net is the same for 04/05 I belive)
http://sigmaautomotive.com/jdm/prius/prius0405.php Under "Interior" "Under-deck partition plates" for $39. "bag hooks" for $49 Cargo net for $55
BED BATH AND BEYOND has same brand of cargo tote/organizer that Toyota is selling. I think they are 14.95 at BBB, but they always have 20 percent off coupons in the paper/mailbox. Also, they accept competitor coupons (Linen's and Things/Pier one)
I have all of her stuff in black leather and love it. I'll probably eventually get the armrests and center console re-upholstered in leather. I love the hood and the glove box covers. She also made me a leather cover for the driver's side of the dash so I'm symetrical. It's great and I don't have to look at cheap plastic. I've also got the Wheelskins cover for the steering wheel. Now if there were only a way to replace the stupid little shift knob with a leather one. Her cover keeps slipping despite my tweaking.
I just got an e-mail from her - she doesn't stock vinyl stuff anymore, but she's willing to make me the whole shebang (hood, center console, armrests, glove box, and drivers dash cover) out of vinyl if I'm willing to prepay and wait for her to find the materials. I'm asking her for a price now - I'll also post something over in appearance mods to see if anyone else would be interested. I can't be the only person that would prefer not to have leather, right? =)
I don't know, you might be. There are very few instances where I would choose black vinyl over black leather. The only was was reupholstering a chaise lounge, the reason being it is the only piece of furniture I allow the dog on so it had to be durable, easy to clean and reduce crying should there be a scratch or puncture. Other than that....I go for leather every time. As for shopping for accessories, et al, I'd like to recommend the links page at Priusclub San Diego. Links to Shopping et al. I'd also like to recommend the Info page for links to info on detailing, oil changes, etc. Priusclub San Diego Info page And lastly, here a bunch of links from Meguiar's on detailing your Prius. Meguiar's Day (Yeah, I'm the webmaster.)