In reply to all those that question the placement of a plastic cover over an aluminum wheel. Curbing and corrosion are constant issues, especially in New England. Obviously engineers designed this car with fuel efficiency as a primary goal, and comments of aerodynamics are correct, they add 1 mpg which attributed to a hubcap is somewhat surprising. The gen 2 came with a spoked wheel and a plastic trim ring, no mpg add but protection to wheel edge damage IMO it is complete genius!! silver is silver whether it is steel, aluminum or plastic. Cheap protection for curb anxiety! and inexpensive to replace....
Well, the claim that the wheel cover -protects- the wheel is wishful thinking. I'm pretty sure it's worse in the east, but here in the west, over winter, with wheel covers on, I get dirt and sand held against the wheel by the cover (I left them on Pearl for the first winter). When I discovered that I removed them and hung them on the garage wall. The dirt and gravel hold water and salt against the wheel. There were aero claims for GII trim rings as well (wheel spats). I removed them an didn't notice any change in mileage. As for protecting against curb damage, I prefer a competent driver for that. As I posted when I got Pearl S, the wheel covers are heavy, do nothing, and are gone on Pearl S!
I meant against curbing here in new england we have high sharp granite curbing everywhere cheaper buying a plastic wheel cover over refinishing and repairing an aluminum wheel. and well not everyone is a competent driver, all the manufacturers are touting there parking assist options for those who a parallel parking challenged
Well they already arrived... just over a week from China, not bad! I'm pleasantly surprised by the quality. I haven't seen the OEM version so I can't compare but I'd be surprised if they were much better. Definitely the way to go IMO - $11 shipped.
Ya, I bought the same one's for the same price, they make their money on the shipping charge. I like these alot better than my painted Lowes cap plugs. Holding up pretty well.
I took off the ugly wheel covers on my 2012. Like the black wheels and I bought the center caps from Toyota. I am thinking about changing out the bolts for black ones. Any one do this and have a picture to share?
KICS Racing composite R40 lug nuts Project Kics wheel lug nuts (M12xP1.5)-in Nuts & Bolts from Automobiles & Motorcycles on I have been thinking about these. they have several colors including black. with black wheels being all the rage right now I thought maybe a locking lug wouldn't hurt.
I had a hubcap stolen...Dealer wanted $90. to replace just one! Took the hubcaps off...Had the nice black rims off, so I too went to Lowe's and bought the caps use for the electrical boxes punch outs.. Painted and snapped them right in to the center hole of the rims ($4. for all four). Now everyone is asking where I bought the sick rims!!!!!
I know this response is to an old post, but I will post it as an FYI to other members. The lug nuts in the link are not the correct type for Toyota's alloy wheels. The "acorn" type seats will not properly seat on the wheel surface. The Toyota lug nuts have a flat seat with an integrated washer.
For the 2012 to 2015 Prius in blizzard white with the black alloy wheels, wondering if people think a silver center cap or a black center cap would look better?
I bought the silver caps - I think the contrast looks sharp. If fact I would buy some chrome trim rings if I could find them.
I've whined about it before. But for me it's not really that I'm opposed to driving a car with wheel covers, it's that The Prius wheel covers are so damn ugly. It's very arguable that the wheels without the covers are better looking....BUT...for me? I think the wheels without the covers just have too much of an unfinished look. So there is no really cheap alternative to me. My solution has been a 2 year long project in trying to become desensitized to the "ugly" of the wheel covers. I can only claim partial and intermittent success.
When I had my 2013 three liftback after a few months my wife whacked a rock in the road and blew a tire and lost a hubcap. Same as someone posted above the stealership wanted $90 for 1!!! I popped the remaining 3 hub caps off and bought the toyota center caps on amazon and thats how she stayed till we traded her. I liked the black rims that were hiding under the hubcaps. I have a Persona now though... I have to say that the low profile tires don't provide much protection to the rim on the 17's. There is a lip but it still didn't take me long to tap a curb pulling out of a parking spot... Luckily pepboys has touch up paint that pretty much is spot on with the Personas titanium colored rims
Yup, totally agree. And from 2012 on they rub your nose in it by painting them utilitarian black. Anyone claiming to like the utilitarian, black rim is in denial. I really suspect they were some high-up's brain child, and no one has the nerve to call them on it. I can think of ONE way to fix them: junk them, get something half decent. When we were on the lot, walking around, this one feature tipped us to getting the Canadian "Touring" model, which came with nicely finished 17" rims. In hindsight, think I'd rather have the 15", for the better mpg, but not those.
Even the 15" black are worth the FE gain. EP. Ecopia are a great tire. The 2014 gen3 really likes these tires. Hal