Prions... It just sounds like something out of a James Bond film. You know... Villain: "You're too late, Mr. Bond! I've released my army of Prions on the leaders of the Free World!" Bond: "Oh. Well, in that case, I'll just have sex with your attractive mistress."
Priusgenitor(s) earliest forefathers prima Danna(s) go figure Priuservative(s) (Prius + conservatives [bastardization of "conservationists"]) Pri-Camryan(s) Prius owners who really wanted a Camry Hybrid
Jack 06, you are getting a little carried away, aren't you? :wacko: Good! "Priusgenitor" -- Owner of a Classic? What else ya got??? C
Maybe some Preparation H might help clear up those Prioids. If we were putting all of this to a vote, I am casting mine for Priuscenti. Even though it sounds a bit snooty it's not as vunerable to insulting variations as most of the others are. Currently, I just refer to myself as a Prius enthusiast. No problems there, I think.
Cool, Galaxie, now you are getting into the _weird_ properties of Prions, and their human counterparts. :wacko: Slortz, re Priuscenti: it's clever. However Cognoscenti: "A person with superior, usually specialized knowledge or highly refined taste; a connoisseur" In the OP I meant "Prius Fan" to imply a Prius owner or wannabe. Cognoscenti does not imply ownership. However I would not argue that there are probably few Priuscenti who are not owners or waiting to be one. The term might better be applied to Senior Posters. :lol: AuntBee - how about Prithuser? Inspired by other posts I thought of: Priowner Prioner Prisoner (of your Prius infatuation), pronounced Pri-zoner (are we in the zone, or what?) Priciest. (No incest jokes, please). Let imagination soar! C
CGraham--I like "Priowner." Hey does anyone out there know the origin of or why they named it "Prius?" (There's usually some story behind car names... I was a Mazda owner for over ten years before I knew it was named after a Hindu god (Ahura Mazda). Just wondering...
It took a little research to make sense of THAT one. I mixed with the wrong crowd, in the 60's I guess. You are evidently still using, Bill! :lol:
Right! Prius owners tend to be pretty heady about their great vehicle. Prion is a metaphor for that condition. C