Call me insane, but does anyone know what mpg range I can be expecting if I were to be traveling on the highway at 80 to 85 mph in a 3rd gen Prius? I have the need for speed yet somewhat good gas milage. haha.
I bought my 2010 on Thursday and drove home averaging 80-85mph and went 380 miles before stopping for gas. I had one entire bar left on the gas gauge so I'm sure I could have made it further. Sounds like you drive like I do. Let's just say I'm very impressed with the MPG I've seen thus far!
So I wasn't paying attention to the sticky about starting new post.... I'm sorry I'm trying to figure out a way to move this post or delete it. Sorry I'm a noob.
Hello lead footed buddy!! I drove 80-85 on I70 daily trip 80 miles with two up hills and two down hills (what goes up must come down). Anyway, my average range 50-51mpg, but today due to hurricane Sandy I got the worst ever 46.4 MPG I drove fast going down hill, like up to 90 and the when I'm going up the hills my speed goes to speed limit, for flat surface I go in 80s.
Btw each bar represent about 50miles, so 10 bar is average of 500 miles, the max I got from a single gallon was 512 miles (light foot week), other times 480-500 miles per gallon.
43 mpg hauling nice person in a 3rd Gen on any semi warm day. Prius even gets good mpg's running 100 mph Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Holy geeze! That is still going to be better than what my little 98 civic will ever get. I'll be happy If I'm in the 40's. Yeah this weather sucks, I'm in MD at the moment and Sandy is preventing me from looking at used Prius' lol. I hope the power doesn't go out. Knock on wood. Awesome, I'll be driving in Florida so every day will be a warm/hot day.
Yes it is, and if the trip computer is lying to me, then I'll have no other reliable back, but to just be happy that doing every fuel up I don't have to pay double of what I used to pay.
I know, that was one week where I was pretty sick from flu, passive driving, barely pays any attention to cars flying past me. I didn't realize it until I went to gas up and the full tank indicates 512 miles before next fuel stop.
I would expect that driving in the 80 - 85 mph range would get you low 40's to high 30's mpg. And consulting Bob's table confirmed this guess. Why the need to drive so fast? You'd get another 10 mpg if you bothered to slow down to 65 - 70 mph.
. . . and why do people jump out of perfectly good airplanes while they are thousands of feet up in the air?
I would guess only a tiny percentage of the population actually never waste any time in any given day. Also, slowing down will save you money, so yes, time is money.
Since most people do not work 24hrs a day I find this argument non-persuasive. Maybe it's because I'm salaried? lol Seriously, at those speeds you should be just tickling the 40mpg area depending on your tire setup. With a good 15" LRR tire I'd see you in the low 40s. With anything else, including 17" wheels, I see you in the high 30s. Assuming you have decent roads and good weather.
As long as you have fuel economy in mind, I am confident you'll slow down to 75 mph or even 65 mph. The amount of energy required to push through the air is too much at 85 mph. If I recall correctly, even at 55 mph, half the energy required to maintain speed is to push air.