Well... FWIW, there amongst the Prius family, there is a MUCH larger installed base of non-Prius c vehicles than there are Prius c. And, the Prius has been shipping in the US since August 2000, so you're always going to get more posts from non-Prius c owners (on Priuschat, in general). So, by that sheer quantity, I guess you might perceive a greater absolute # of negative posts from non-Prius c owners... BTW, partly because I use what's new, I frequently spot people who have posted in the wrong area (e.g. those w/Gen 2 Priuses posting in the Prius v area for some reason ). I frequently report those to get them moved.
So, to get back on subject, the rise in gas prices in California appear to be somewhat suspect. Reasons being a refinery fire, and an increase in demand. Odd that the prices were raised on gasoline already delivered and available as station owners jumped on the first news report, raising their prices overnight. The winter gas mixture can't come soon enough, the prices were raised another 30 cents per gallon bringing our local average to just under $5.00 per gallon. Do forum trolls go away if you ignore them? Just wondering.
Well, it was more than just a refinery fire. Per articles like Short supplies keep gas prices rising in Calif. - SFGate, there was also a power outage a refinery in Torrance that caused a disruption and a pipeline problem. As for your latter point, yes it is odd/suspicious. Seems like they were taking advantage. However, if they did have to buy more on the spot market at higher prices, then they (in order to make some profit or breakeven) would need to raise it. Otherwise, they could be like the others and just shutdown when out of gas.
One cousin of mine posted on Facebook about California gas prices and another - a Republican - commented "Time for CHANGE!". As if there's ANYTHING sustainable that a politician could possibly do to turn back the clock and revisit an era of cheap, plentiful petroleum... Galaxy Nexus ? 2
My theory is that since the liftbacks have been around for many more years, most of those drivers have already come into these forums, learned everything that they needed to know, and then pretty much left, leaving behind a residue of assorted trolls and weenies who basically define the success of their entire lives according to how much of a Prius know-it-all they can be. Probably the same phenomenon will happen with the C-owners after a few years...In the mean time it is a bit disheartening to see the fresh enthusiasm of the noobie C owners dampened and squelched by burnt-out veterans.
Haha, I was just thinking the same thing. Last time I was in Vancouver fuel prices were $5.50 a gallon($1.45 a liter). Cheapest fuel in the country here in Edmonton at $4.16 a gallon, woohoo!
I would really like to see the "What's New" option for entering the forums have the option of only showing desired forums. I would just as soon automatically skip several forums. I suspect a lot of others would too. I have requested that from PC management a few times with no response.
I just got my C. Did my first fill up and it cost me $18. Had 1/2 tank. If that would have been the last car, it would have been $40 easy and would have been much less in milage. I am in love with it. Had to list it as a 2012, but it is a 2013.