Thank you everyone for all the information on this board. I picked up my silver #8 yesterday from Longo Toyota in So. Cal, although I live in Northern California. I needed no orientation from the dealer thanks to everyone here. The transaction took 45 minutes and when I checked the oil, I made them drain it so it read 3.9 instead of AT 4. They put my tires at 42/40 psi. I drove 400 miles to Berkeley, CA on a tank of gas. Incredible! I avgeraged 48.3 mpgs. Driving it efficiently is easy because my last car was a 1994 HOnda Civic with what seemed like a 1 cylinder engine. I just drive the Prius like I do my old Honda. It's going to take me awhile to figure everything out but what a great car. Thanks everybody! -Sunshine
COngrats on your new Prius, I just got mine on the 11th of this month and was so excited! I love this car and it is so much fun to drive!
Because while I was on a waiting list in the Bay Area, Longo Toyota, being the largest Toyota dealer in the country, gets 160 Prius a month, and my dealer called me 3 times before Jan. 1 with a car that was available. I figured I'd get one quicker going there, even though I had a lower waiting list number here. Plus, they installed Sirius radio with 9 months free subscription.
Sunshine, Does your Sirius have the 10 character limitation? I am going nuts not having satellite radio in my Prius. I would prefer Sirius over XM... but not if this limitation exists. Also... can you view the "message screen" while driving? I find it very strange that the FM radio suppresses this screen once the car is in motion. I am hoping that Siruis and/or XM satellite does not operate the same way. /Jim
Hi Jim, By 10 character limitation do you mean the text of the artist and song title? Yes, but a friend that has XM in his Prius says its the same 10 character limitation on XM too. I don't think you can win either way with that one. Message screen...what's that? Sorry, but I'm still learning about the car. I can switch from the preset buttons that show the channel to the text with artist/song title while I'm driving. I haven't checked that feature on FM radio because between Sirius and my iPod, I really don't listen to FM anymore. I'll check when I go back out today and write back. (funny, now I have all kinds of "errands" that I need to do!) Did that answer your question? -Sunshine
Sunshine, Yes... that is the 10 character limit that I was asking about. The Prius operators manual says that the XM option (when available) will display 32 characters... but it also says that there may be some limitations in some circumstances... so as far as I am concerned.... the jury is still out. The current XM and Sirius offerings are "non-Prius", and both seem to have the 10 character limitation. When the XM system gets released in the spring... I will wait for a report. If they fix the 10 character limit... then I will go with XM. If that has the same limitation... then I will go with Sirius since I prefer it over XM since I can get a multi-car discount. Yes... the message screen is the one that shows the atist/title information instead of the 6 radio presets. If you look at the preset screen... the artist/title information will scroll through the preset button... but that is small and annoying. The message screen shows the full information. However, on FM radio... they suppress the message screen once the vehicle is moving for "safety reasons". Horrible decision. I know exactly what you mean about not listening to FM radio anymore. Isn't it totally frustrating every time a commercial comes on? Since I bought my Prius, my wife has been driving my gas guzzling jeep instead of her very very fun BMW Z4 all because my Jeep has Sirius! I need to get a Sirius or XM reciever in her Z4. Finally... I have a tip. When I bought my Jeep... it came with a 12 month subscription to Sirius. I called Sirius about subscription plans... and their longest plan was "lifetime" for $500. They offered me a discount of 12 times the monthly rate... so for about $350, I have a lifetime Sirius subscription with no montly charges. /Jim
Congrats! I just past 3000 miles on my 06 and it seems the MPG started to go up a bit now that the engine is broken in some. That's something you have to look forward to