well done coach, all the best! what did you wind up with? details! let us know when you get it and keep us posted.
We'll do... thanks for all the info, support, and laughs over all these years.. I will keep in touch....
Hey! What did you finally end up ordering? Color? Options? etc? I hope the reliability is there and that you get the mileage you are hoping for. I suspect your wife will not give you a hard time about the car's looks, the car is dead sexy. Congrats Coach!
Ingot Silver, just about fully decked less the park assist and radar cruise. Wife, kids, everyone loves the car!
When do you expect to take delivery? Post up pics when you do! Also, I'd be very curious to see where your mileage settles out.
The salesman simply nodded his head "no" when I asked if he had any idea when it would be arriving... so I suspect it will be a few months.. but that's perfectly fine with me.. more time for a nice downpayment, and what the heck.. when you've waited over SIX YEARS for a hybid vehicle, what's a few more months
You are going to love it. Having that engine shut down when you come to a stop light/sign never gets old. You could even try the "Ooops, ran out of gas" line with your wife for a quick make-out session at the red light. Don't worry, the other drivers behind you will let you know when the light changes to green (a celebration of honking horns would suffice)....it'd be like your wedding day all over again. LOL
Latest update.. it is now in Meridian, Miss.. only 4 hours away! ETA was not until Tuesday, crossing my fingers that it may come in tomorrow!!!
Congrats Coach! It is a great looking car. I hope the fuel efficiency gains and the hybrid driving experience meet/exceed your expectations.
Here is my new baby- along with my first drive home results w MPG I can honestly say.. it is love at first site
Nice, 46.3 MPG on 38.9 mile trip. You used 0.84 gallon. How fast did you drive and what was the traffic condition like?