So I took my first huge pothole last night with the Prius C. It performed admirably - but there was a scraping noise. Upon inspection on return home, no damage found. However, it was the first time I noticed how the orange HV cable is attached from the frame. Compared to the Prius Liftback, the C's seems a bit more conspicuous or "vulnerable". Anyone else notice this difference? Thanks.
You must've hit the mother of all potholes to scrape something. You'll end up tearing off half the suspension before contacting the HV cables. This is a situation where the OEMs actually do their homework regarding durability testing, lawsuit avoidance, and the like.
It was actually a parking lot drain with a "sinkhole" area of maybe 5 ft diameter around it. I couldn't swerve into the left to go around as there was an oncoming car.
Ahhh ok, that makes more sense. Those sinkholes can indeed be massive, and since their diameters are large and the whole thing undulates steeply, you can get into trouble with pretty much any car. I avoid those like the plague no matter what I'm driving [unless it's a Ford Raptor!], even if it means having to stop and wait for traffic to clear.