I live in CT and the incentive is only 3.5k as compared to 5k in Mass. I have been trying to negotiate a price on a PiP advance model and my trade in over the phone/email with a few dealers. Here is my experience Dealer A) Did not know there was a Federal Tax credit on PiP Great price on PiP (2301 below MSRP) Screwing me on trade in (-3000 below what I want) Taking days to get back to me. I'm ready to buy. Dealer B) Keeps giving the 5k Toyota incentive as part of THEIR discount Couldn't find pricing themselves, had to call manager. I can find pricing on their website faster. Only 1442 below MSRP and didn't care if another dealer was 2301 below. Kept referring to 5k incentive and 0% financing as part of their "deal". Dealer C) Was not aware of Advanced model Had to call me back to see what pricing they had. Still waiting... (update: emailed me pricing. Sent MSRP! LOL)
I feel your pain... If your gut tells you to walk away from a dealership- do it! It's a daunting task to buy a new car nowadays- you got to suffer a little bit- but hang in there... the reward (PIP) is worth it.
you're allowed to buy in mass. check out the dealers with the most on the lot. they will likely be willing to deal. all the best!
i second this advice. you're so close to MA there's absolutely no reason for you to waste your time with these clowns in CT.
Just to clarify, those dealers I listed are in Mass. For some reason, I can't get them to commit to a price without walking into the dealership. I had thought "Internet no haggle pricing" was just that. I'm going to have to make a trip up there to firm up the deal.
if they won't give you an internet price, they are hoping to get you in and trap you. they don't know anything about cars, but they do know how to sell them. that's what they put all thier time and energy into. you have to be STRONG! or else take a friend with you who can help.
I too knew more about my PiP when I went into the dealer. Sad too....this is the guy I bought my 2010 and spoke to in 2008 before buying one at another dealer. He tells me that he just bought one for his wife but has no idea that it has no spare tire. He also didn't know that because of that, Toyota offers 3 years roadside and had to verify. He didn't know that the PiP came in a green color (Sea Glass Pearl) when there was a poster on the wall with one in that color. He didn't know about the $1500 teachers rebate that was being offered in NY. He didn't know that when you lease a PiP you do not get the federal incentive. I can keep going, but I like the guy so it didn't matter to me and I got what I wanted. All this was after he told me he went to a training class on the PiP.
Those of us out West need to remember that New Englanders typically have several states within commute range, so "buying out of state" is not so far-fetched.
Yes, but perhaps only ONE and they may be partly retired and only work Wednesdays for a few hours in the middle of the day(LOL). Seriously, the large brand new Toyota dealer(well brand new facility that is) near me in NH has one Prius expert and they admit it. They sometimes will message or call him if they have questions when he is out.
Does the Mass. incentive have a residency requirement? Read the fine print. Can you get quotes through a buying service like Costco or AAA? Personally, I wouldn't bother with those 3 dealers. There's something wrong with the picture if I have to work to get you to sell something to me. If you are hell-bent on buying from them then make them an offer, either they accept or move on.