Found this in amazon. Anybody has any experience with such product? There isn't any reviews in Amazon. I love the look of it.
Found this video on vimeo [ame=]2010 Toyota Prius: Rosen "Factory Look" Navigation on Vimeo[/ame] Looks like a very good unit.
Read the Rosen threads. edited to add posters are able to purchase the Rosen units for a few hundred dollars less then the Amazon price. Read the threads.
Bumping this because a few posters are looking for a factory look system and are interested in SAT. Adapters for both Sirius and XM are available for this unit. The HU is available from Amazon. I don't know anything about this unit but Amazon is generally reasonable. You can probably get a name unit for about the same price but some posters want a factory look.
This unit is ridiculously expensive compared to other aftermarket units. You can have much more with major brands like Kenwood or Pioneer. I am going to post pictures of my Kenwood 9980HD installed in 2011 Prii soon. I was looking at Myron&Davis unit, but then decided to go with something that does have better support from user community and can be easier repaired should I have problems. Garmin maps updates, custom POIs etc. are great on DNX9980HD.
List price is ridiculously expensive. I think the almost 2K list price is intended to be an installed price from a car dealer. Amazon is selling the unit for around $844.44 with free shipping. The unit doesn't need a steering wheel control adapter, face plate or wiring harness. That's a savings of $50-$75. It has a factory look. I don't think that price is "ridiculously" expensive. I'll certainly agree the availability of SAT radio, HD radio and Garmin maps is a big plus for Kenwood. The navigation part of the Pioneer units are slammed by many users. Units like the Myron appeal to owners to want to keep a factory look. Your unit is almost twice the price of the Myron, after you include the cost of the required accessories. BTW--I agree it's a better unit then the Myron. You pay more you get more.
Top of the line Kenwood is about $1200 after rebate from authorized reseller. Amazon is *NOT* authorized reseller for Kenwood and most likely the same for Myron&Davis, so you have to buy it from authorized reseller and it will probably not cost $844.44 amazon is asking. Therefore, no warranty. For a unit that cost $1k it is too risky. I use to have an Eclipse (Fujitsu Ten) NAV in my old car. Bought it back in 2005 for $1800. It took almost 5 years for Eclipse to come with maps update, and you can't do it yourself on AVN7000 - you have to send the unit to manufacturer for update for "just "$400. So I sold my car with old NAV without updating it, and I decided that I will never buy a unit that is not well supported and which doesn't have an army of users willing to tweak and improve it. So yes, you get what you paid for... I am planning to use my car for more than 5-6 year, and because of this 9980HD is IMO a good investment with a lot of room to grow.
Just look at this review from a real user of this NAV: Customer Reviews: Myron & Davis NV7TPR1 2008-2011 Toyota Prius In-Dash Navigation System .. and his comments after using the NAV for 3 weeks. You'll better go with Rosen if you want a "factory" look. Actually, what's wrong with Kenwood? Look at my unit...Imageshack - p1030869.gif
The current price for the 9980 is around $1500 after rebate, not $1200. Add another $50 for the steering wheel adapter. Almost twice the price of the Myron. Amazon indicates the unit comes with a 1 year warranty. I have no idea if the warranty is provided by Myron (nor do you) but I'd have no issue with a warranty supplied by Amazon. The unit has a SD slot which can be used to update maps No need to send the unit anywhere for an update. You don't have to pay $400 for updated maps. One review on Amazon. Not really a bad review: The Myron unit appears to be the same unit as the Rosen. Nothing wrong with your Kenwood. It's about twice the price of the Myron. It doesn't have the same factory look. Different people have different preferences. It doesn't mean they're wrong. Doesn't mean you're wrong. I agree the Kenwood is a better unit but some people don't want to spend the extra money and others want more of a factory look. The reviews of the GPS (mapping) part of the Pioneer receivers is pretty bad.
This is the unit I have in my 2010 Prius II. It looks fantastic. We bought the car used with this unit already installed and the guy that we bought it from had only been working at the dealership for a week... He couldn't tell that it wasn't stock! It matches the dash perfectly. Operation of the unit is just ok, however. It is responsive enough, but there are limited options/settings that you can actually change. The screen looks nice, and you can multitask fairly well on it. It works perfect with all of the steering wheel controls. With all of this said, I have a couple of beefs. I can't seem to find map updates beyond 2010, and would actually appreciate if someone knows where I might find some... When streaming bluetooth, if it doesn't recognize music, it will switch back to the last input. So if I am streaming Pandora, and the next song takes a while to load, I have to go back to the bluetooth menu and start the connection again. The UI isn't very pretty, and it takes a while to start. Other than that, it is great! I have only had it for two weeks, and I don't even know if anyone still cares. But there it is.
does anyone own one of these ? reliable ? what is it like compared to Ottonavi or like flyaudio ? thanks
I do own it, and the post above yours talks a little about it. I can ammend it for you since it has been a couple of months now... I hate it. As an owner of it, I would tell you not to purchase it, and am probably going to replace mine in January. The unit's user interface is sluggish and all the features aren't available to you unless you enter a secret code... The navigation voice has never worked, the screen resolution is terrible, and it is very slow to do anything. The bluetooth streaming is the most annoying for me since I have to use that feature a lot. What is even worse now, is that there is a line of dead pixels about 3/4 of the way up on the screen. And sometimes I need to a reset on the entire device just to get it to turn on. So annoying. I don't know about the Ottonavi or the flyaudio, but if they are anything like this unit, I would stay away from them too.