My car was side swiped recently on driver side, and have to get paint repair done, also at the same time they have to put in a new Hybird emblem on the side. The problem is the replacement emblem is actually dark blue color compared to light blue emblems that I have on my car's passenger side and rear side, I asked the bodyshop about this and they told me the problem is the other hybird badges on my are faded. I just don't see that it is possible for the badge to fade in the exact same pattern. I have included some photos of the hybird emblem that was replaced on my car vs the existing one. My main question is does emblem actually fade for prius? What color is your emblem, can you take a picture and post here and let me compare? I really want my car to be in its original condition, I hate to see something different like this. The first photo is the new replaced emblem that is dark blue, the second is the existing emblem on my passenger side and the their on is the rear hatch emblem.
I didn't know there were emblems on the sides of our Prius. A different shade of blue should not be a problem unless you can see both sides of the vehicle at the same time.
The emblems are just above the front wheels of Prius. Can anyone with a 2010 and 2012 Prius provide me some pictures for cross examination?
Hmm that's strange. It's possible the 2010 used a lighter blue as I just looked at my badges and they are a little darker than your 2nd and 3rd pictures (and closer to the shade of your 1st picture). I have pictures if you want to compare, although I do know that the shade changes depending on lighting (when in full sun instead of in a parking garage like when I took the pictures, the blue is much more vibrant and looks less like a midnight blue). I'm not sure if it loads properly but the first picture is the Driver's, the next is the Rear, and the final is the Passenger. Lighting conditions look similar to yours as well if that helps.
Wow, so the 2012 emblem is different than 2010, now I just hope the next person can post a 2010 of theirs. I'm guess the bodyshop ordered my emblem as a newer type...
Just went out to compare my 2010 w/coworker's 2012. They're different. The blue color on the 2010 has a gradient and almost becomes a white dot at the center. The 2012 has a uniform dark blue color throughout. Same goes for the emblem on the trunk. Pictures below for comparison.
Thanks Selzier and Quattro! I think my dealer actually ordered wrong emblem, they need to order one that is 2010-2011 models.
Update, the new version of Hybird emblem is darker than the older version, my dealer was able to order one of the last 2 embalm existing in USA. So here are the photos for your sneak preview. Next time if you get side swipe, try ask your dealer to change all of the hybird emblems or else they won't match in color. Pic 1: The package in the background shows the correct part number for 2010 gen 3 Prius emblem, the emblem on top is the version that is suppose to be on gen 3. Pic 2: You see two emblems, the one without the blue plastic backing is the newer (dark) version and this will not match the emblems on your Prius.
The blue fades if you drive with a heavy right foot. Hyper-mile the car and the dark, sapphire blue returns.