So, I just started my search for a new vehicle. I had been looking at both new and used, started with Hyundais and used Subaru's (the Outback was my dream vehicle, emphasis on the was). I was pretty set on a Hyundai and was in the process of negotiating price when I decided to stop in and look at a used Prius at the local Toyota dealership. The used one was gone, so I started poking around the new ones. When I took it for a test drive, I was wowed. I believe my first thoughts were "this is a future car" The geek in me loved the digital dash readings and all that fun stuff. So I tried Carwoo, and I had a dealer agree to an offer for $25,600 for a winter grey metallic Prius III with the solar roof package. That seems like a good offer, but I figured I'd check here to see if this is truly the deal I think it is.
What's the List price? What is the Net price. If you can get 7-10% discount that is a good deal. The 2012's may be a good deal as the 2013 make there way on the Dealer Lot. The car at List price is still a good deal in my mind but is that is the case get the 2013 if you are paying list price. The car is a joy to drive, smooth and comfortable, cost very little to insure and operate, and reliable as the car has been in production for over 10 years.
check out the plug in prius. with factory incentives, state and federal rebates, dealer discounts and better fuel efficiency, it's a better deal than the III.
It's an 8.8% savings from sticker, roughly at invoice if I'm to trust the numbers provided on Sticker: 28085 Invoice: 26069
There is a post in Prius Chat on the Plug In Rebates. I believe the Federal rebate is $2,500 and California is $1,500. This is the First year of the Plug In and it may be the Test Year in Production as they work out the first year technical issues in later releases.
Chris 8.8% is a good Publiashed discount. Keep in mind that the dealer gets additional discounts above Published Invoice a few people have said.