After 6 months of ownership I was wondering why I couldn't remember whether to push the outside or inside of the door lock button without looking at the lock unlock symbols.. Alzheimers perhaps? No! The driver's and passenger side lock buttons are identical, not differing to account for being on the left and right sides. I've never seen a car manufacturer cheap out in such an obvious but petty fashion. ADR6400L ? 2
Drove a 2013 Venza loaner car for the day while my Prius V was getting oil change and tinting done at the dealer. After reading this post i took a look at the Venza door lock switches and they are identical to those on the Prius V. On a side note most of the switches and buttons are identical to those on the Prius V. So its not something unique to the Prius, but I suspect all Toyota models, even their high end ones. Personally i haven't noticed this issue as i have not yet used the passenger side interior unlock switch, because when I touch the unlock sensor on the passenger side door handle it auto unlocks all the doors anyway.
My Prius V has mirror controls on the armrest. Not sure which model you have? I had to go outside and double check before I posted though cause after driving the Venza yesterday I recall it was in a different spot than on my Prius. The Venza has mirror controls on the dash. Since we're on the subject of Prius peeves, I got another one. I noticed this right away when i got my first drive thru coffee at Tims since owning my Prius V. Not the best spot to place electrical switches, the EV/ECO/PWR buttons right next to the cupholder. It has made me adjust my drinking habits as I now have switched to using a high quality leakproof Stainless refill coffee mug for my coffee needs as those paper coffee cups just leak everywhere and onto the electrical switches.
Ah, I didn't notice that, I assumed we were talking about the V as we are in the V forum. The cupholder in the V is hard to miss, first thing you notice when you get in the car, shiny ring surrounding it, front and center in the console. Maybe its not a cupholder, here i've been using it as a cupholder all this time when its actually meant for something else, now i feel like an idiot.
My only Peeve about that cup holder is that it's not removable for cleaning.... Mcdonald's around here and the like - love to give you cups with soda dripping all down the sides - as opposed to wiping them off or God forbid giving you a cup that's dry on the outside... sticky... mess. My only peeve so far - well, there's 2 really - 1 is the rear door speakers SUCK. or head unit - either way - but they are horrible... the other thing is that they could put reflective insulation or sound deadening in the headliner... aside from wind noise which isn't horrible - I once put a pair of sunglasses up in the little holder on my v2 ... above rear view mirror .... darn near burnt myself when I took them out after work to put on for the drive home ... they were so hot ...
After just over 1000 miles, I guess my as-yet unmentioned (on this and other threads) peeve is the placement of the gas guage. I would prefer it on the left side of the display where I am more likely to monitor it rather than off to the right, where it eludes my attention.
Boy, I don't have any peeves about my v3 EXCEPT the damned iPod starting up on its own the second you plug it in.
I have two peeves, and both, I believe, started AFTER I received the thumbdrive updates: (1), the navigation screen no longer goes to nighttime mode if I start the car in the dark. It will switch to nighttime mode if the sun sets while I'm driving. I know I can force it to do so, but it's supposed to do this automatically, and, that IS the setting to which it's set. Why doesn't it? (2) If I have a route set and turn off the car mid route, upon re-starting, usually, it gives me a message stating the "destination is unroutable. Press okay to confirm". I then have to re-enter the destination and it's fine..unless, again, I interrupt the trip along the way by turning off the car. Normally, this is not a huge deal, but does become one when I have multiple destinations set in the form if interim waypoints. Has anyone else experienced similar problems? I have the Display Audio.
Had this same problem on my C on a trip back from upstate New York to Long Island, also with Display Audio after the USB update. I also noticed another problem on that trip - I had entered some detours to avoid the Thruway, and after I stopped for gas all the detours were gone when I started up again and I had to re-enter them. Not to mention that the update lost the navigation prompts for the destination being "on the left/right", and it took Toyota three months to respond and tell me it may be fixed in the next update. I see there's a new version of Entune for iPhone at the app store today.
Just thought of another one that has really only bothered me on one trip where I was driving south to Calgary(3 hour drive). I notice there is no extendability on the sun visor(when turned to the side window it doesn't extend back to cover more of the window). My friends Matrix had this feature so thought it would naturally be a feature on the upscale Prius, sadly they forgot to put it in. A little thing, but can make the difference between misery and happiness on a long trip, especially when you live on the prairies and routinely drive in a straight line for more than an hour at a time. Anyway, the aforementioned trip was miserable for a good part of it as the one spot the side visor would not cover near the back of the side window was where the sun was directly shining in my eyes. If I leaned forward it helped a bit but not very comfortable either way.
hey this is nothing. I could list lots more peeves about the last car I owned(Honda Fit). I have yet to drive a car that hasn't bothered me in some little way or another, if only occasionally. I have to say though, my Prius V has the least amount of peeves of anything I've owned/driven so far.