Got a 2004 Prius with very low miles. Very excited. First question: what options do I have to get stereo bluetooth streaming, since this feature doesn't come with the navigation and there is no aux jack? Also, where is the best place to get a second key? Mine only came with one. Finally, what is the cheapest way to update the maps on the navigation? Thanks.
Doing a search of the Priuschat website via Google will answer your questions way faster than your original post... Also posting follow up questions in existing discussions/threads will notify all the people who have participated in that thread and will get you your answers faster than starting your own new thread. The best method to search a website is to learn how via the "site search" section of this post: How to Search Google Like a Pro: 11 Tricks You Have to Know - How-To Geek
There is no option from Toyota, AFAIK. BT music streaming didn't become available until the 2010 model year. Yep, there's no aux jack. The cheapest solution for you is to use a cassette adapter (since you have a tape deck). Don't bother w/FM transmitters.
Totally agree! And get your second key ASAP. If you lost the only one, it will be very expensive to get the new one.
OP, any chance you can squeeze the other key out of the seller? It's been quite annoying to hear of used Priuses coming only w/one key. It makes me think that sellers/middlemen are "losing" one by pocketing it and selling it.
My 07 has a aux jack inside the middle console... not sure what year that started, but we use our MP3 players that way. works well.
The aux input jack first appeared as an option on the 06 Prius. It was still optional from 06-09. It didn't exist on the 04 and 05 models. 06 was a mid-cycle refresh that brought on a lot of changes. See 2006 at 2G Prius (2004-2009) Standard and Optional Equipment (Some Countries) | PriusChat. (I have an 06 model NL, so I have every option except leather, which also didn't exist as a factory option until o6. There's no tape deck on mine so Toyota must've ditched it. I have been in a former coworker's very stripped down used 08 or 07 and it had no aux input jack (I double checked) as well as no SKS, the old low-res MFD and graphics, and no backup camera.)
Welcome! Many happy miles to ya! Spend time lurking here. There's a LOT of information. And everyone's super friendly! And really, get a key ASAP. I shopped specifically for a car with multiple keys.
Your car takes the "silver" logo key if you have the SKS system on your car. You will have the best luck if you buy a new key fob rather than a used one. Most folks here on PC have had difficulty with used one's off of Ebay, but had little or no problem's with the new ones. You might find one cheaper than the links I am posting here if you Google Here is the cheapest silver one I found after looking at a few sites. Key Fob: 2004 Toyota Prius Keyless Entry Remote 04 Hybrid Sedan Uncut "Emergency" Key: Toyota Prius 2004 - Uncut Key Emergency Key Insert | iKeyless You can get the "Emergency" Key cut at any locksmith, just have them copy your key. Note: Any key you buy will have to be programmed. Toyota can do that for you for a fee, a locksmith may be able to program it also. Some folks here on Prius Chat have been sucessful programing the key themselves using the "chickendance" method that is discussed on Prius Chat. Where did you buy your new chicken danceable KEY FOB, please? | Page 2 | PriusChat I agree that you need to get a second key quickly. If your existing fob quits working, you will spend a lot more money getting a new key fob key without having a working one in the first place. Also welcome to Prius Chat! Ron
Thanks for the help guys. My purchase is kind of a unique situation. Since it has not been finalized, I don't want to spill the beans until I have the car in my possession. I am looking into the key situation and will let you know what I find. Good advice re the tape deck. I will miss bluetooth streaming, but I will survive!
If you do decide to go with it, try to do what cwderna said - push the seller to get you the second key. I had the same problem when we bought ours for the wife. In the end, the seller did pay for the second key. I just had to push some buttons and make a few phone calls for it to happen. If you went with Toyota and had to pay for everything, your bill would probably be in excess of $350 US or more. That is why I suggested you buying the key yourself and doing the programming on your own. I haven't done the chickendance thing, but other member's here on PC have had success according to their post's. IIRC, they even paid for the new OEM floor mat's. When we bought the car, there were no floor mats in it. Good luck to you and again "Welcome to Prius Chat". Ron
Ok, I finally got my car so I can fill you in on the details. I got a 2004 Prius with 32k miles, package 8, for 11.8k. Drove it for a while this weekend and REALLY enjoyed it. Initial impressions: -Love the gadgetry. I am a tech guy and having the bluetooth and nav is a big plus. I am looking hard at the lockpick solutions for aux input and video. Turns out the previous owner had a backup camera installed (VRBCS300W) but the monitor is missing, so I am hoping to get it working with the lockpick. I also need to update the maps. -Car has good power. Not great, but no one expects that. Got it up to 86 going downhill. What is the top speed you guys get? -This car glides better than any car I have driven. When I have my foot off the gas, it still moves very well. -As I previously posted, my car only came with one key. After a lot of research, I decided to purchase a new SKS fob from this dealer for $150 ( I will try the chicken dance and program it myself, which some have reported successfully doing. If that doesn't work, I will take it to a dealer. -I have already programmed the reverse beep and seatbelt beep to go away. Will probably mess with the bluetooth volume as well. What else should I be looking to do? -I was most scared about the seat and comfort. Its not the best seat, but its also not as bad as some report, and I am 6'4.
Congrats! And I think it is a pretty good price for the mileage. What do you mean by bluetooth volume adjustment? Could you post a link on this subject?
It's accessible via the same hidden menus as Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery | PriusChat. If you have HIDs and don't want to put unnecessary cycles on the bulbs, just toggle between off and the parking light position.