Is a Prius fan a Prion? B) If so, what are the implications for us? Prions have some interesting properties. Don't we? :huh: As a biologist, I'm especially interested in your conclusions! And in the fate of this thread. I think I'll let it incubate until tomorrow, and see. :blink: I think today's news of my impending delivery has gone to my head! :lol: C :wacko:
Prion sounds like some intergalactic dictator that is bent on destroying humanity. I think responsible car buyer would be more appropriate, or Priuser. BTW: I think you have more smiles in that post than "It's a small world", but at least you don’t have the annoying song.
Yeah, I don't think I like the sound of Prion either. Sounds like, primadonna and moron=Prion. People will be calling out, "Get out of my way! Ya, stupid Prion!"
My only contact with prions was via Michael Crichton in the second Jurassic Park book. Congrats on your pending arrival =)
I actually liked that term "Prion" until this statement Maybe Priactivist (or Priact for short) or Priologist (most likely seeking out old Sleestak remains) But realistically, Prion would probably catch on faster...
I am having a bit of trouble focusing on the term Prion. I think there is a problem here, I guess I should stop eating those chilled monkey brains for dessert.
Just don't get caught in a powerful electric field... ... you'll be Prionized! (But your clothes will smell great!) :lol:
I heard "PriusCentis" used repeatedly over on Priusonline to address the posters in the forum. Cannot recall what it means though.... Jack? You out there??
cognoscenti People of superior taste or knowledge. (Webster II) I first saw Priuscenti on a Yahoo Prius group in, oh, 2003, not sure.
:lol: good one. Uh, if we're thinking about buying a Prius then we're Prius. If we've already bought one, we're PostUs.
Fellow Prius fans, you have not disappointed me. If anyone calls ME a _stupid_ Prion they will get the same thing as if they call me a stupid anything else. :angry: Some clever humor here: Nice, JackDodge: "Maybe you're a PriOne because a group is a PriUs" Sho-Bud "If I consider everyone on this board to be friends, we are all Pri-mates." We are indeed - very clever - I really like Pri-mates (especially as primates were my research field - I never thought they would come back to haunt me.) But what if there is just one? Pri-mate doesn't work then, does it? Or are you married to your Prius? Bookrats: isn't the CAR Prionized? It _is_ an electric hybrid. Don't forget Prions are self-replicating and infectious. Doesn't almost everyone want a car like ours? More Prions! :huh: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: Those aren't Smileys, they are disguised Prions! My posts are infectious. [For those who didn't know: a Prion is a type of protein molecule which is not alive but can cause disease in humans and animals - best known - mad cow disease. Other prions (our kind) are benign. But Prius owners are pretty educated Pri-mates, so maybe I didn't need to mention that.] Keep up the good work! More witty comments please. C
I think he means 'mates' as another term for 'friends'. Not in the 'mating' sense (ie: a male and a female getting together). More like, "G'day mate!"
I'm sure he did. I was just trying to make the singular instance work in some way. Or some other way, depending on how you look at it. C