So I was curious how many miles I was really getting in EV mode. So I did this. Fully charged car. Reset odometer. Drive in EV Mode only with NO AC. How many miles did you get on straight EV? What did the EV indicator say you were going to get prior to starting. Today I got the following Indicator told me I was going to get 10.1 I got 9.6 miles No A/C or defroster Around town driving some hills but nothing major Temperature outside about 50 degrees Post your results. Curious to see how we all compare.
When I went to the EV event in Ann Arbor, Michigan I took side streets that had a max. speed limit 0f 25mph. I went about 10 to 15 mph till ICE kicked in at EV depletion. EV indicator at beginning was 12.6. Trip odo at time of ICE kicking in was 15.4 miles. The area I live in is flat, no hills.
I always reset my trip A meter each morning before i go. I have gone 17EV miles before, when my estimate was only 12.9 and visa versa....when i am in a hurry and drive faster, i have only gone 11.5 miles, when my estimate showed 14.2 The first thing you can do to help, is google your route, i go somewhere different many i google it, and find SIDE ROADS that are 30mph where possible. This is the only way to get serious EV distance, to go slow. COMMON SENSE.
late april, when i got it, i was getting 14-15. then as the weather warmed, i was up to 16-17 even with some a/c. now, with cooler weather again, (only 50's and 60's) i'm back down to 14-15. and when i come home at night with the lites on, i lose about another mile. all the same routes avg speed high twenties, 300' elevation change from one end to the other. i thought i was getting better mileage as the car broke in, but now i'm thinking it's weather related.
Wow I am surprised I am getting only 9.6 I guess I am too hard on the pedal? I am concerned that going too slow is not safe either.
what was your average speed at the end of your test? i drive the limit or just under if no one is behind me. 4.5 miles at 35-40, 2 miles at 50-55 and 1 mile at 20-25, somehow averages out to 27-28. i only have 3 stops which makes a big difference, no momentum loss.
If your are Googling your route, try the bike route option. I found a sneaky back route which was a tiny bit longer, but all level. Well, as level as it gets here in Maine.
Last week I tested my range. The EV PROPOSED 12.2 I actually got 15.3 A lot of construction was going on so the speed limit was 25 mph.
I have been managing about 14 in the city the last few days. I keep as much of the car turned off as possible except the speakers of course! Its not saving me that much money, I only do it on 70 degrees days, if its freezing or 90 degrees out I sacrifice the 3-4 miles for AC, Heat, etc.
Keeping speeds down and slow takeoffs help alot....i aim to keep HSI 20% or less always, tricky when people ride your nice person...I have pulled off shoulder many times with warning flashers on my backroads, as there is little to no Dan
Hybrid System Indicator, like the one rocker dans pic. I had a strange drive to work today, started with an EV of 12.2. I usually get to my work 15.9 with .5 to spare on EV. I got behind a moving truck, super slow, so I guess I could not pulse and glide and regenerate as much as I usually do, I only got 10.6 actual miles out of my EV. Variables, Variables, Variables.
They have to be travelling downhill or have an extra battery. No one is magically getting twice as much. As long as the weather is nice you can pretty reliably get 14 miles if you keep all the extras off and drive gently. To be more accurate we should also be checking our energy monitor for amount of watts regenerated to get a better estimate. With those 14 miles I have alot of those little 50watt regeneration icons.
well, i haven't done it, but i haven't driven 2 or 3 miles an hour long enough to know. pulse and glide is a hypermiling technique explained in many threads here and also can be found in an internet search.