Exactly. I also wanted the heated seats and the sunroof/solar panel. Those were a must have. Luckily they found one in Seattle but it was the only one left in the area so I didn't have a choice of color. Worked out great though. The Sea Glass Pearl is pretty.
I was accelerating away from a light and the F150 behind me decided to pass me before the 2 lanes merged to one. He was on my tail all the way to the light. When he went to pass I floored it. Surprisingly my Prius beat him to the merge and he fell in behind me again. After about a 1/2 mile it opened up to 2 lanes again prior to another light. Of course he had to pass me only to stop at the light. As I pulled up next to him he put his window down and called me a few names. I reminded him that my Prius just kicked his butt and if I were him I would lick my wombs and never tell anyone about how inadequate his truck is.
Why is it that truck drivers have to ride my bumper when I am doing the speed limit?! I own a Ford F250 Super Duty Turbo diesel as my second car (it is needed for hauling horses, hay and farm supplies) and folks do not normally tailgate... unless they want to get hooked up on my hitch... and I drive that the same way I do my Prius speed wise... Yeah, it is fun being at a stoplight in my Prius and blowing the doors off of the "little girl" pick up trucks next to me... and still getting high MPGs...
I own a chevy pickup also, and as far as accelerating off a stop sign doesn't vary much if I'm in the pickup or the prius. Just being in a prius probably ticks some people off when in the mean time they don't realize how much money we are actually saving.
I once was running up I-75 in Michigan on my way to the upper peninsula in a rental Prius. Zip for traffic which was cool except... I was minding my own, cruising 75 in the right lane until Bubba in his pickup came up behind and was riding my nice person like he was gonna get some mpg's draftin a Prius. After a while watching him in my mirrors I started bumping my cruise up a notch at a time yet he was still hanging out thinkin he was helpin his mpg's draftin a Prius. So I eventually ended up cruising about a 100 for several miles and Bubba must'a checked his gas gauge and seen it was goin down too fast for his wallet He backed out of it and that was the last I seen of Bubba Poor fellow... Mike
I was getting on the freeway this week, accelerating up the ramp, almost to freeway speed (I love PWR mode!) getting ready to slide over into the open space behind the car already on the freeway when, BAM! A blue Prius speeds up and blocks me from getting on. I had to slow down and get behind. Then they moved right over to the middle lane. Like why couldn't they have moved over before, instead of being an A$$ and blocking me from getting on? I thought we Prii looked out for each other...
Unfortunately there are some Prius drivers that are assholes too Those are the times you wish you were driving a big truck Mike
I like to think they are riding my bumper saying "It's a Prius?!" Then I leave them in the dust... I am of the mindset that follows a well known bumper sticker about something to do with riding bumpers and hair pulling... enough said!
LMAO nice yea people in their lifted trucks really like to get up on people's *** all the time, they think their big shot. Don't get me wrong there are a few here and there that aren't such douches about it.