I have a 2004 Prius with the Smart Key System. I have done plenty of reading on getting an additional SKS remote to work with our car. What a mess. I want a remote that works with SKS, so that means I must purchase a new remote and get a dealer to program it. I am in Las Vegas. We have four dealers, and I contacted all of them and got quotes. The prices for the silver remote ranged from $203-220, and $60-175 for programming. 203 + 60 = 263 for both the remote and programming. Outrageous, of course, but relative to what I read that price seems ok. Any other alternatives? Thanks.
There are sometimes programmable SKS fobs available on eBay. Some automotive oriented locksmiths have the capability to program the car's SKS, which requires a security code from Toyota. You would have to call around.
Can you send me a link to such a listing? I cannot find any current or completed listings that say the silver remote is programmable for SKS. Thanks.
Just found this link: How to Repair a Toyota Prius Keyless Remote Smart Key | eHow.com It claims you can reprogram a used SKS key. The method basically deletes the current data on the key, then you can take the key to a dealer to have it programmed. Any idea if that is possible?
Nothing on eBay now. It is iffy there anyway. I did see this: Toyota Prius 2007 - Smartkey - 3 Button Silver Toyota Logo on Back | iKeyless Can't vouch for the site, but it looks better than the dealer anyway.
I recently went through this hassle. I purchased a 2009 Prius in November 2012 and it only came with one smart key. I had heard that it was catastrophically expensive to get new keys made/programmed if you lost all of your old ones, so I wanted to get another smart key and have it programmed. I bought one from iKeyless. ALERT: THE SMART KEYS FROM iKEYLESS ARE USED. They send special instructions along with the key, because it is theoretically possible to re-program a used key, but whether or not you can find a local Toyota dealership that is willing to do it is a GAMBLE, as it is not a Toyota-approved method. My dealership could not program the smart key function. They were able to program the key to work when it was inserted in the ignition, but the fob and smart key functions didn't work. So, I returned the iKeyless key and ordered a NEW smart key for $150 from a Toyota dealership in Ohio (http://www.metrotpn.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=193&SearchText=prius). It arrived a few days later, and I took it to my Toyota dealership to have it programmed (call around to the dealerships if you have more than one to find the cheapest price; my dealership did it for $56). The key works perfectly, and I was able to get a new, functional smart key and have it programmed for around ($206). Still expensive, but cheaper than the alternatives!
There are a few knowledgable hybrid shops around the country that can program "used" fobs. We do it in Boulder all the time. Our current price is $75 programming fee or $135 for programming if we supply a good used fob. We also do Lexus/Scion smartkeys and/or immobilizer programming. I know in the Berekely, CA Kensington Service does it too. Many dealers say programming used fobs cannot be done. Those dealers just don't know the procedure, don't have the right equipment, and/or want to sell your their new fob.