After about a year of deciding whether or not I should get the Toyota Prius, I finally made my way to the dealership this past week and drive a 2012 Prius IV BP off the lot. So far I have put about 300 miles on it, and couldn't be any happier. I'm sure there is more joy coming along the way, and interesting thing I notice that many of the engineer guys I know drive Prius.
Welcome aboard! Can you update your location info? If you're in an area that gets significant snow, I recommend you scope out snow tires now.
Welcome to PC. Enjoy your new "Toy"ota. The Prius is a computer with 4 wheels. Your are going to love your MPG.
Welcome to the group, as I am a brand new member myself I am still really enjoying it. I have to say people due view the Prius as slow though lol. I had someone pass me in an intersection last night by going into the right turn lane and then blowing past me in the intersection and cutting back in front of me. Sad thing is I was driving 35, the speed limit for that road... guess she just thought I was driving slow. Passed me and caught instantly up tot he people in front of me and had to slow back down. Oh well she wasted gas, and I averaged exactly 70mpg on that little trip of errand running through town lol.
Welcome! I'll have to second Wayward's sentiment. I get cut off A LOT despite driving with the flow of traffic. As in someone behind me will cut over (actually this happens illegally more than legally), accelerate really hard, and cut in front of me only to slow down because I'm maybe 50-100 feet back from the car in front of me. Then I can see them constantly looking back at me from their rear view mirror and feel like an idiot cause it got them nowhere! Enjoy the range you get and how little you actually have to pay for gas!
Did you sign up for As soon as you sign up, I would fill my tank and save info to fuelly. They don't count initial tank (from dealer). Good Luck!!!
Actually made a right turn at a stop sign this morning, and a few seconds after I turn a dually blow right pass me. I was laughing the whole time, I was concentrating on getting the most out of the electric part before the gas kicked on and I guess that was just too much for them. = )
Thanks everyone for the welcoming, and yes I'm sure I'll get many many many middle fingers down the road. OW
Welcome! I just bought my second Prius (2012 IV) two weeks ago and of course I love it. My last one was a 2008 and though I didn't NEED to trade it in, I did because I wanted all the fancy stuff.
Yes, and the IV package has a little bit more. I was debating between a III and IV, finally decided that the softex seats and lumbar worked great for me.