Tesla is doing a number of things right with the Model S. However, they also included the feeling of being nickle & dime'd to death. My first real hangup was the paint. I don't pay for paint and I don't like the idea of paying $750 for any color other than black or white. There isn't $750 worth of paint on the car. If the deal was for $750 the buyer can get it painted any color, well, maybe. Then I kept thinking about where I would want to drive the car. Do I really want to spend 3+ hours at an RV park to get to State College? Or home? Maybe THE Supercharger station in PA would help but when the only info available is a fuzzy map it doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Now, Tesla has unveiled their annual maintenance plan at $600. A low maintenance car shouldn't need a maintenance plan. What do you get? That's not clear. Maybe you get fluids & wiper blades replaced and Tesla gets data. I'll pass. Well, Tesla feels there is only one place qualified to rotate tires, yes, the Tesla Service Center. What happens if the maintenance plan isn't purchased? George Blankenship confirmed that your warranty is voided. I placed a deposit in good faith. I expected things to change and they have. I also expected to receive all the facts before ordering and paying for a car. That hasn't happened. I'm sorry, but this attitude doesn't sit well with me. An EV may be much cheaper to run than a conventional car but the Model S would save me $1.89 per 100 miles at today's gas & electricity prices compared to my Prius. The Prius is about $400 per year cheaper to insure and in almost 3 years has cost $0 in maintenance. So, after I hit the Create Thread button and after some 3 years I'm going to Tesla's site to hit the refund button. Here's wishing many years of happiness with the Model S for those who take delivery.
The Prius is just the BEST deal all around, especially if gas and maintenance is your concern. There is no way the battery on the Tesla is going to last 200k, which is my standard for buying a car. My Prius is at 220k and is still performing like new, still getting 45mpgs or more. But if money wasn't an issue, I would be all over that Tesla.
For those who want more info on this $600/year service, see Transforming Automotive Service | Blog | Tesla Motors and also search for blanken on that page. From his reply: Seems pretty darn pricey to me for a car that is theoretically way less complex (no ICE nor all the parts associated with one). Jim, maybe you'll consider a '12 Leaf or a '13 when they come out? I hear there are some pretty good '12 Leaf lease deals...
The Leaf is quite popular in the EV club. 100 mile range doesn't cut it for me. The current lease offer in NJ is cheaper than buying the car new. Nissan's handling of the SW battery issue is not entirely reassuring. Reservations can't be sold. I was told I'll have the check within a couple of weeks. Does the Tesla battery really have to last 200,000 miles or some 13-17 years? That's been past the useful life of every car I owned. In that time I'm sure things would have changed enough to warrant buying an upgrade. Obviously you drive a lot more than I do.
100 miles on a Leaf isn't that easy to achieve. It's possible but you can't go very fast doing it. You should instead go by the 73 mile range by the EPA. If you care, you can enjoy Tony Williams' range chart at My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - Range Chart.
Wow Jim, I would not have expected you to drop your reservation at this juncture. I hear you on the nickel and dimeing thing, I do. I just went with black to avoid the paint cost issue, but it does prickle me a bit that they're doing that. The annual maintenance is just $475 unless you also get the Ranger package (which I will). And while in theory I agree that it should be cheaper, and I believe the schedule should be more like 12mo/15k miles, this wasn't a deal breaker for me. EVERY report from roadster owners is that these are not quicky oil change visits, they are very thorough and really make sure the entire car is in tip top shape, new features are added (some free, some at a cost). and the bottom line, for me, is that this is a $100k car (nearly) and the marginal cost of the maintenance is really quite small. The annual fuel savings is still going to be huge...you said $1.89/100 miles, but at 12,000 miles/year that's $226/yr is fuel savings IF prices don't go up...which they will. You also quoted $0 in maintenance cost for the prius over 3 years? How can that be? I change my oil every 10k miles at least and that's $30 for oil and filter and fluid refills and I do my own. Throw in a cabin or engine air filter once a year and you add on another $30 minimum. Tires--the Integrities last maybe 25k miles, so you're looking at a minimum of $100/year for tires. Brakes don't wear so I won't consider those. I guess what I'm saying is that you're still looking at some small annual maintenance cost plus additional fuel cost for the Prius and that does start creaping you closer to the Tesla number. Finally, we need folks like you to buy this car and show how great it is. It will NEVER be cheaper to buy than it is right now and gas will not be cheaper 8 years from now than it is right now. I appeal to you to look at the bigger picture here. Keep the Prius (I'm keeping mine) and use it for those times you need to take a longer trip and can't afford the long recharge stop until the Supercharger system is up. But I do hope you'll reconsider, if it's not already too late.
I think if you are worried about things like being charged a few hundred too much on maint' and paint + other trifles, you are definitley buying the wrong car. This is a luxury product that can run to 100k+ ! The Prius is in a totaly different class and I guess rarely cross-shopped with a Model S.
I'm still on the original tires at almost 60000 miles (17" Toyos(?) @ ~50psi). The dealer threw in a bunch of coupons as part of the sale. I'll be using the last one on the next oil change. I did buy a handful of air filters on line that are sitting in a box in the garage and two bottles of touch up paint so my total Prius expenditure is a bit more than nothing. I agree the price of gas will trend up (down to $3.649/gallon this week) along with electricity (~17.1c/kWh) but I do believe battery prices will fall. Lead batteries have been replaced with lithium in the cars & trucks the guys in the EEVC convert. A battery box that filled the pick up's bed now fits between the rails under the bed. Will the lower cost of batteries translate into a lower selling price or a higher profit margin? I don't know. Maybe their maintenance plan is in the best interest of the owner. Maybe it is just a $4 million (based on 10000 cars reserved, bought, & built) guaranteed revenue stream for a corporation that really needs revenue. If Toyota announced that the systems in the Prius needed TLC that only a Toyota dealer could provide and the warranty is voided if you don't buy the prepaid maintenance plan there would be howls of protest. Bodgerx, you're right. I'll probably be happier in the car after the Model X or maybe a Toyota built on a Tesla drive train. If you could stuff enough batteries into a Prius for the range I would want it would still cost $60000-$70000. No, I'm not a pioneer and I'm probably not a good candidate for early adopter. Evan, have you received an update on your car?
I spoke with my rep and was told I'm on target for the first half of November...but I'm still a tad skeptical, I think maybe mid/late Nov. more likely based upon the slow roll out... the rapid increase just hasn't happened and, apparently, Tesla has admitted to some of the more vocal Sig reservationists just what some of those issues are, but they haven't elucidated them online yet for some reason.
Batteries will definitely go down in price for tesla, and they will help profitability at the company. Some of the savings will get passed on at lower prices to the customer. Think of the maintenance plan as part of the price, Tesla needs to do it, but wanted to say the car was $50K. Probably best to let your reservation lapse then. You sound like you are an early adopter, but don't want to pay the price today
Tesla is still running two reservation lists. Plenty of slots for everyone. High standards & fast production don't seem to be mixing well.
Evan, have you tried getting an insurance estimate? The Model S was not on my carrier's list. They wanted to know MSRP ($65000), body style (I said 4 door sedan hatchback), and top speed (110mph). After a very long pause the guy said, "That's an electric car, isn't it? I don't know if we'll insure it. I'll have to get a special rating & call you back." The quote came back at $1621 per year as a second car. The Prius which was ~$35000 OTD in 12/09 now with 60000 miles and a 30+ mile commute to work is $1280. If I was dropping 6 figures on a car that's late I'd want an explanation as well.
JimN, find a different insurance agent State Farm (mn) gave me a quote of ~$450 for 6 months w a $1000 deductable. They had all three battery sizes and performance versions in their system.
If 100 miles doesn't do it for you, I assume 73 really doesn't--the real EPA range of the Leaf. I love my Leaf so far, it's really fantastic. There are sacrifices, though, and those that a person has with the leaf are compounded hugely with the Tesla. It's a much nicer car, faster, better range, larger, but it's pricey as all hell for that. Some will be ok with the compromises at this point. I certainly get not feeling comfortable spending such a huge amount on a car from a new company with a lot of unknowns. I risked nothing with my Leaf because I leased it at a crazy price, but that's not possible with the Tesla. The Tesla can't really be compared to a Prius. The Prius is a utilitarian grocery-getter. The Tesla is a luxury vehicle and, like any luxury vehicle, it's absolutely impossible to make the case for it financially. It is a decadence, certainly. A nice one, though. Fuel cost with the Tesla is virtually irrelevant as the rest of the car will cost so much anyway that the fuel savings are barely worth mentioning. EV tech WILL get cheaper, a lot cheaper. And if it doesn't it's because once again the concept has been put into its grave for a while.
One of the selling points on converting a vehicle to electris drive, was absolutely NO maintenance. This was 40 years ago, with the local electric vehicle club. Largest cost was package of lead acid batteries. Basically this is true, a BEV should require no maint on its motor, or motor/generator. So what is it that is being maintained ? A good battery check, I will go along with. But I still applaud Tesla for its overall concept and revolutionary thinking.
A selling point of the leaf main be low maintenance cost, but not for a luxury tesla S. I'm sure there are software upgrades, and numerous tests, along with tire rotations and fluid topping . It should be calculated in the tco. The S is not a cheap car, and these inspections and upgrades will cost $50/month. My previous lexus gs - competitive car- cost much less in maintenance when it was new, but did drink more than 50 gallons of gas a month.