Nice job, 2 issues I see with your wiring diagram: #1 - you show a white from your panel connected to ground, technically that's supposed to be a bare/green ground wire, neutrals are designed to carry current, grounds only carry "fault current" normally. Technically they are bonded at the service entrance, but they do have different functions. #2 - you missed showing the ground wire from the J-1772 cable connected to your grounding block... I'm sure you just missed it in the drawing and it's connected on your build. BTW, Lincomatic released a new version of OpenEVSE (R1.0.6) that has a faster library to support the AdaFruit RGB LCD display, it's supposed to now be much quicker to update the display. Here is the contents of his email from 2 days ago: Firmware v1.0.6 I have switched the LCD library to LiquidTWI2. This change has the following implications: - faster LCD updating - reduced latency - smaller memory footprint - unified library that works for both I2CLCD and RGBLCD To install LiquidTWI2, download it here: Unzip LiquidTWI2/ folder into <arduinosketchbook>/libraries/LiquidTWI2 For more information on LiquidTWI2, see Lincomatic's DIY Blog | electronics, 3d printing, hacking, etc Please post back in this thread with any bugs/issues you find. download v1.0.6 (and older versions) at: Downloads · lincomatic/open_evse · GitHub
Evse's are pretty much done. All im lacking is the second j1772 for each station. Im going to hold off on that until its needed. But all the wiring is there and chris' boards are installed. When i get the second cable i just need to wire it in. Ill update the first posts with more info soon.
Beautiful job Jim... very professional! What gauge cable did you run (and how many feet) from your main breaker panel to the outdoor station? Thanks...
I ran 3 runs of #6 aluminum wire for about 20 feet for one house and the same wire about 15 feet for the other house. Somethings up with one of the chargers though. The relay just switches on and off when I connect it to the car. It wont actually charge the car. Its been going on for months but its been so cold I havent felt like opening it up and looking at it.
So what is the total cost for this unit for DIY? Does it quality for the 30% fed tax credit? The 30AMP VersiCharge is $600 after tax credit.
Im not sure what is up with the charger for Pheasant. All winter long I could hear the relay clicking on and of on and off. It wouldnt actually charge the car. At one point it actually made my car display the triangle of death for a couple days. The car still worked fine and took a charge from other plugs and after 2 or 3 days it went away. Last month it would charge about half way and stop. For the last couple weeks its been giving me a full charge again. Im not sure what is up with it. Its really hard to troubleshoot an intermittent problem. I just purchased another house, a duplex. I am living in one side so i am building another EVSE for the garage on my side. I just ordered all the parts and I hope to get it up by the end of the week. Has this thread helped any newbies? I hope my step by step instructions have helped people.
I just built a portable, dual voltage OpenEVSE for my new Rav4 EV. If your interested here is the link to my photobucket page. 40 Amp Portable OpenEVSE Build Photos by jimbo69ny | Photobucket
I have a sub panel for my garage which I should install, eventually. I still have one issue left with the bond to neutral in the main that needs to be untangled first.. Do any of you guys that - have done/ are doing - the openevse or had an 240v evse installed run a meter between the main and sub or evse?