Folks, I have had the 3rd-gen Prius for about 18 months now. My standard daily commute is about 3.7 miles each way. I try to do the standard P&G, etc., and on average I see 53 MPG (50 actual at pump) in the warmer months and about 50 MPG (47 actual at pump) in winter. I live in east-central Illinois; flat roads. I was wondering if anything can be done in terms of improving my driving techniques to further improve the MPG. I am aware of grill-blocking in winter which I have chosen not to do, largely because of fear I might forget to unblock it before I or my wife drive long distance or at the end of winter. Also, no block heater, again for the fear I might forget to disconnect it before I start to drive. I have had a ScanGauge II for a few months now, but largely it has been lying in the glove box ever since I suspected it might be draining my 12V when the car is off. Now I wouldn't hesitate to start using it again if I know how to use it for better MPG and the MPG improvement *could* be significant. Based on the above what do folks think might be the improvement I might achieve if I do employ any techniques aided by the SG II? Also, is there a "the page" for using SG II on the Gen3 for hypermiling? One that doesn't just tell what gauges to create but how to use them for hypermiling. Thanks.