I tuned into the Ch 7 news here in Las Angeles and they tested the performance on mpg with each. They each filled at a gas station and drove city, highway, and traffic for an hour on a ~57 mile run. Then at the end of the news the verdict was in. The insight had 2 people in it, the driver and a news lady. The Prius had a single driver. The drivers of both, own the car. At the end, the Insight used ~1.103 gallons and got 50.1 mpg. The Prius used ~.903 and got ~59.6mpg. That was totaly cool to see a Prius beating an Insight. But keep in mind, there was 2 people in the Insight. But the Prius still beat it. :mrgreen: Brian
Since Insight is an unrealistic vehicle to mass produce (aluminum is far too expensive to ever allow a profit to be made), I prefer to let it stand alone as a unique two-seater that enthusiasts desire.
Just for the record I am the Insight driver. We drove for 56 miles in rush hour traffic, when we came back to the gas station we pulled to the pump and filled up until it "clicked", my mileage gage showed 64 MPG while the Prius showed 52 MPG however, my car took a little over a gallon and the Prius a little under, You all know in this forum that the Prius has a bladder on the gas tank, I think this is why it shows higher, don't get me wrong, I think the Prius is a great car, I tried to get one myself, but could not get it because the dealers don't have it, I don't see this as a competition, I see it as showing the public what our cars are all about. :wink:
I agree. I think Prius owner's sometimes get a bit smug and self righteous and forget where "the real enemy is". A lot of the Prius bumper sticker/license frame slogans have a kind of "don't you wish you had one?" tone which I don't think wins many people over. The real enemy isn't a Prius if you are driving a Honda, or vice versa. It isn't a Jetta TDI running on bio diesel, as my life parter is doing. The real enemy is energy inefficiency, emissions and over consumption. Any car that can so drastically increase efficiency and reduce emissions, as the above three examples do, is on the right track and is part of the solution.
:iagree :iagree :iagree :iagree :iagree :iagree Bob Allen you the MAN :!: Tell it like it is :!: calpod you too :!: :computer: :wave:
Exactly. If you check out www.greenhybrid.com, you'll see many insights getting mpgs in the 70-90mpg range, because they, like us, have learned to drive more efficently. A guy in the UK has averaged over 100mpgs - and I promise you no Prius user can beat that, at least according to our MFDs! I'm just as happy to see insights on the road as HCHs or the Prius. The more I see of all three, the more I know word is getting out that hybrids (at least those available now) can appeal to different crowds and still achieve the goal of extending mileage and cleaner emissions. -m.
I agree too It's nice to see the comparison, but it's not really valid since the two cars were in (variable) traffic. And they're going to be pretty close no matter what. It would be GREAT if they did that same comparison between a Prius, a Focus, a Windstar, an Explorer, and a RAM pickup... That should drive the point home a bit better
Exactly - let's start seeing 'real world' tests of how other vehicles match up with their EPA ratings, and their mpgs compaired to the Prius. -m.
how can you compare a two seater against a 5 seater? simple... you cant. the only thing in common is that they are japanese and hybrid. to draw any other parallels would be just as logical as comparing a pickup truck and a dump truck.
So you know, rflagg, I was forced to remove data for the guy from the UK because I realized my units conversions were off. I think they're fixed now, but apparently I was multiplying by 1.2 instead of dividing by 1.2. His real mileage would be 100/1.2/1.2
Thanks for the info and correction Jason! So it looks like your #1 in the mileage race is then the Insight that's getting 90.5mpg and has 95,000+ miles on it. I'd still like to see someone with a Prius beat that! -m.
The Prius was not scheduled to be in the test, at the beginning they just wanted to do an Insight report, it was until the last minute that the producer decided to put the Prius in, even Tim (the Prius driver) was surprised, (as well as myself) when Dave Kunz said it was going to be a contest, if you hear the tape, when Jane Monreal who was riding with me said my mileage was up to 64, it got as high as 67 for awhile, until we came to traffic, it went back down. The passenger did not make that much of a difference in the mileage, it was because my tank wasn't filled all the way up, and when I came back it took a little more to fill up, just a couple of tents would make a big difference. Here is a copy of the e-mail Dave Kunz send to an Insight owner. "Thanks for the note.. One problem we had was that the particpants deviated from the assigned route and we didn't have time to debrief them before the live shot. If I had, I would have certainly mentioned the fact that Walter's on board MPG was reading 63. We may do another next week on the Ford Escape If I can work it out. If so, I will certainly mention the discrepancy in the Insight's mileage. I've driven them myself, so I know what's actually possible. Enjoy your trip, and your fabulous MPG." Regards, Dave Kunz
We're all hybrids, not to compare, we're all doing good......but I promise you no Prius user can beat that.......And you wonder why people are still comparing. Hondas will be Hondas and Toyotas will be Toyotas.......If MPG is so important, what ever happened to the ev? 1 Billion miles per gallon? I'm just happy the wife, two kids, 2 dogs, and my two golf bags can enjoy the Sunday with me.....in my Prius......60 MPG and all.
Yes, it will be the Ford Escape Hybrid. I have been talking to a lot of people about it, and they are amazed at the mileage we both got especially at rush hour traffic, I have got over 100 MPG about 11 times, my car has 100K miles on it, my personal best on one tank was 845 miles, thats with a 10.6 gallon tank. We should have them do a similar test but with regulas vehicles such as a SUV, a pick up truck, a minivan, and a small car, at the same rush hour traffic, and under the same circumstances, then everybody can see how low their mileage really is in heavy traffic.
YES!!! I would strongly suggest that you bring up to them you'd like to have a "regular" SUV driver with say, one of the most popular SUVs, and do that test. Nothing against SUVs mind you - just to do exactly as you said - show that the other vehicles aren't getting their EPA estimates either, when one isn't driving as efficiently as one should. -m.