I paid $24,450 for a 2010 Prius IV with the solar roof with 28k miles. That was the lowest price I found here in New England/NYC area. Also, it was very difficult to find a IV model with the solar roof. Good luck in your search.
Does this car look like the front bumper has been repainted?? Almost looks like a different shade to me.
The plastic bumpers on many cars including the Prius have a slightly different shade than the sheet metal. You could go with a real high end paint process and get them to match but this is how the Prius looks like you seen. Also clear film will slightly darken a color. Mike
The Internet dept will always give a good discount. I emailed my car choice to 5 dealers and got a 3K discount. Just b ready with exact color options and models
I paid $500 over invoice on my car which I ordered. Many others have done that or better on new in stock and orders. Shop around as all Toyota dealers have very different pricing. Mike
I work at a Toyota Dealer. The warranty on a Certified Toyota is, whatever is left of the original warranty, or 12/12 bumper to bumper, and 7 years or up to 100,000 miles on the odometer on the drive train, plus the original 8 year/ 100,000 on the hybrid parts. They build $500 into the price to support the certified warranty.
Just throwing this in there, bought a Bliz White, 2010 Prius I, 60k miles, $16,500. $17,800 after tax/fees/crap. Not bad I thought.... The options weren't worth the extra money to me. We narrowed down the reasons why we really wanted a Prius, and one was MPG, and the other was trunk space, so this thing had both. Screens and all that fancy stuff I use at home, why do I need to take it with me? Just need some nice tunes and I'm set. The Prius is so comfy to drive BTW! Hope you find the perfect one.