If you can fill with nitrogen for free then go for it. There is really nothing special about it though. Just check your pressure regularly with whatever you use. For speedo accuracy use the 205/50/17. For best mpg and comfort use the Ecopia EP422. For better performance and a little less mpg go with the PureContact with EcoPlus. For better all around performance and less mpg than the PureContact, try the Bridgestone Serenity Plus. The 205/50/17 will also help fill the wheel well gap better as well and will raise the car a tiny bit vs. the 215/45/17. So you get the nice look without having the car too low to the ground. Win win IMO!
For what it's worth, The next time I buy 17s I am going to try the EP422 because I want max mpg, comfort and low cost/mile to run with good tread life.
This is a great marketing maneuver someone has successfully accomplished. The air you and I breathe (and gets put in tires) is already about 78% nitrogen. Like F8L said, unless you can do it for free don't ever spend a penny on this. I assume you already had suspicions of this, that is probably why you asked.
yea... i've never bought this nitrogen stuff.. never did it and i didnt see anybody mentioning bout the nitrogen at PC so... i already assume that it wasnt necessary.
Im now getting 50-51 mpg with my stock yokos with 42F/40R psi and p&g driving. Im learning! Sorry about that typo
I'm assuming the "not" was a typo and meant to be a "now". That's great! a 2 - 3 mpg boost just by putting air in the tires! If you can remove a few mph off your top cruising speeds on the highway, that will help as well. Figure about 2 mpg for every 5 mph you slow down. Thus 75 mph slowing down to 65 mph should get you an additional 4 mpg (or more). If you have any slow and go traffic, the Pulse and Glide will really help. Keep going and get a new "high score"!