Hi everyone...... on the 2012 Prius how would you reset the low tire warning light once the tires are brht up to prper pressure? thanks
Assuming it's the same as my 2010, there's a button under the dash, near the steering column, that you press & hold until an icon on the dash flashes 3 times and disappears--exact location of button and instructions are in the owners manual.
Mine went out when I put air back in the tire. Weeks ater the light came on for low air and went out on its own, I have since patched the small leak in the tire.
The light will go out on its own. It may take a little while (up to an hour). The -Button- is for -setting- the pressure the light comes on at. Note that there may be -two- buttons under there, so be careful to get the right one (or you will shut off PCS). Put whatever pressure you want to run in the four tyres, at room temperature (not hot right after driving). Press and hold the button till it beeps or the display blinks. Obviously it is important you put the "proper" pressure in all four tyres (they don't have to be the same). Now, if any of the four tyres drops 20% below what you set it at the light will come on.
I also have a 2012 model 3. I have the same question. I found the instructions in the user manual, but my Prius does not have a reset button in the location indicated in the manual. (Below and to the right of the steering wheel) Can anyone provide guidance, please?
The 2010 is located right about where your right knee rests. I have to get on my knees outside of the car to be able to find it. It is recessed and hard to locate the first time.
Agreed. It's tough to locate the first time, but it's there. Also, to the OP, you have a IV, so there won't be a PCS button under there, just the TPMS.
I included a pic showing both the TPMS and PCS buttons in an earlier thread. I don't know where that picture is being stored, so here's a link to my earlier post so you can see the photo. (Remember, if you don't have PCS, you'll have just the one button.)