I have a 2010 IV with the heated seats. They work fine from a number-of-watts standpoint, but the on and off cycling is infuriating. They get plenty warm enough, then right when the temperature is great they turn off for several minutes and get cold again. This isn't acceptable. I want hot buns! I found a post by tumbleweed that included the wiring diagram, post ID 92410 This seems to indicate there are one or two boxes "Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly LH" and RH. Also it seems like there is not really a thermostat in the seat itself, but instead just a timer. Does anyone know where these boxes are so I can "fix" them? I do hobby EE so it shouldn't be tough to augment, modify, or replace them for proper temperature control.
I'm also infuriated by the on and off cycling of the heated seats, but I'm no wiz at mods (never even thought about modding my own car). Did you do this mod and was it successful? Is this something I can do, or should I take it to a shop? Are there any risks in taking the timer out? Thanks